A little late, but never fear! Odds and ends are here.
1. I love these old high school photos.
2. These are the best websites EVER. So helpful – hello, #7 is hilarious. Why am I always drawn to the websites with profane language?
3. This is WAY true. And I’ve experienced a dumped shredded cheese incident over here before. No bueno.
4. This was sent to me on Facebook, and it’s perfect. (Have I mentioned how much I love the convos and stuff we talk about on my Facebook page? You should join us- if only to witness the dog purse monstrosity that Wita begged me to buy at Target. And no, we didn’t buy it. HEYLL NO.) A hilarious article about how bearded hipsters are ruining it for those of us who have always loved beards from the start.
5. I haven’t been able to partake in alcohol for quiet some time, but when I am able to resume a little vino action, I will follow these guidelines.
Didn’t have time to do Friday Five because I spent the morning with my sweet boy at his school fair. During the presentation, he was one of the five students chosen to stand on the podium and deliver a memorized short speech into a microphone. He started out strong, but when he looked up at the crowd, he got a little bit flabbergasted and said, “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” for about 20 seconds. It was one of those parenting moments when you just want to help your struggling little one – I wanted to scream out “LUSCIOUS STRAWBERRIES” at the top of my lungs. (Um, those were the words he forgot. I know, weird. It was fair celebrating fruit, people.)
But I didn’t need to – he took a breath, picked right up, and delivered the rest with a bang. I think my heart exploded with love and pride watching him recover up there. So proud of that kid. SO PROUD.
Happy weekend, everyone!
image credit: tkafka