Odds and Ends

I’ve heard crazy amazing things about this SPF (+ vitamin C + glow) – it’s on the way and I’ll report back.

This month’s perimenopausal horoscope.

Gwyneth sure isn’t afraid to look chic in court this week.

Pecan is back in stock! I repeat, pecan is back in stock. Fantastic long-wearing crease color.

Loved this article about Elliott Smith.

Never pay a medical bill without asking these questions first.

Something odd is happening with handbags.

The best eyelash curler on the planet.

Bad lighting is…so effing bad. #moodkiller

Be sure to renew your passport ASAP if you are traveling internationally this year.

Can you guess where season 3 of White Lotus will be?

Cutest summer dress.

It seems Urban Decay is going in a different direction, y’all… ;)

It’s Friday! Wishing you a spectacular weekend.

image credit: molly goddard

One thought on “Odds and Ends
  1. Sharon Macklin

    March 31, 2023 at 7:53 am

    Agree with your eyelash curler choice!