Odds and Ends


1. Have you seen the hipster Barbie Instagram account? Good stuff.

2. Connie Britton finally admits the secret of her gorgeous hair.

3. Thinking of trying yoga? Here’s a great article on studio etiquette.

4. You know what you need to do? Stop taking shit so personally. For real, it does a body good.

5. Walking vs. Elliptical Machine: The Showdown. (I’ve been doing a lot of Tracy Anderson dance cardio videos on You Tube lately. Kind of fun!)

6. Alice will always be my favorite writer. Laughed so hard reading this one.

7. Did you see Jimmy Fallon and JT doing the history of rap? So, so good.

8. Okay, it’s fall. I mean, kinda sorta…it’s been 90-something degrees in Oklahoma this week. Anyway, do you know what every single lady needs this fall? THIS. For those hot/cold/temperamental days when you need something stylish to throw your over top. So chic. (And it comes in 3 colors, score.)

Happy weekend, friends!

image credit: karin olah

  1. Amber Dorr Ray

    September 18, 2015 at 8:57 am

    Loved that article about small talk! Thanks for sharing!

    • whoorl

      September 18, 2015 at 9:20 am

      You’re welcome! Hope you and the family are well, Amber!

  2. Adrienne

    September 18, 2015 at 9:39 am

    That painting matches the new Whoorl branding perfectly! I love a good layered abstract.

  3. Lisa @ Lisa the Vegetarian

    September 18, 2015 at 3:24 pm

    Very interesting article about walking vs. elliptical. I was surprised to see that the calorie burn was not so different!

  4. Andrea @Mama in the City

    September 20, 2015 at 10:26 pm

    I totally saw the Barbie Instgram and was all, ‘OMG yes!!’ to every pic.