We made these watermelon tequila slushes for 4th of July weekend and they were delicious.
Self-driving pizza delivery cars. Welcome to the future.
The Nue Co is my supplement brand of choice (these skin products are faves too!) and they just released DESTRESS 360 which has Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc, Ashwagandha, and L-Theanine in it. Right now you can get 30% off your order with the code WHOORLDS30. I have a feeling this one is going to be popular. #sostressed #allofus
Zaila Avant-garde, Spelling Bee Champ! M-U-R-R-A-Y-A
The beauty industry potential of modern society’s stress dilemma.
Have you seen the Core 10 by Reebok collab? Love these prints – specifically this top and these leggings.
How to know if you have a phone addiction and what to do about it.
What is up with these designs, you all? WHAT DOES #2 SAY HALP #soconfused
Massive steal alert! Credo just launched a Hair Bestsellers Sample Kit. $108 value for 15 BUCKS. I love these brands!
It’s not bigoted to reject a man who would erode your rights…I’m sensing a movement taking shape.
As a former Chicagoan, I was riveted by this article on climate change and the city’s shoreline. #yikes
50+ homemade meals that are insanely gorgeous. The cactus cupcakes are everything.
As an all-encompassing line, nothing has outshone my fave, African Botanics. However, this line is inching closer and closer.
My top 9 hair products and tools. All of them are worthy of an A+++.
Happy Friday! Wishing you a wonderful, relaxing weekend.
image credit: helen frankenthaler