Odds and Ends

1. I feel hopeful for the first time in quite a while and wrote about it here.

2. So many incredible things about the Inauguration, but for a little fun, the Bernie Sanders memes take the cake. Here are my favorites -> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

3. Listen, if you are half as excited about your job as Jim Cantore, you are doing it right.

4. The winter sale at Integrity Botanicals starts this morning with up to 20% in discounts! I did a roundup of my favorites from the shop here. (Also, if you haven’t pulled the trigger on my favorite eye treatment of 2020, now’s your chance to get it on sale.)

5. I NEED this needlepoint. #misophonia

6. Posted my daily supplement routine yesterday. #itsallaboutheskin #andimmunity

7. These are really cute jeans if you don’t like a high rise. Good price too!

8. When this pandemic is over, I’m headed straight to blue water.

9. How incredible was Amanda Gorman on Wednesday? You can pre-order her book here.

10. This is on its way to me and I cannot wait. The scent of warmth and sunshine? HERE FOR IT.

11. I am a tartan plaid freak so this is on its way as well.

12. Masks aren’t going anywhere and I still think these ones are the best.

13. I’m not a cat person, but please look at this cat ASAP. I WANT THAT CAT.

14. I just love this video so much. Makes me choke up every time I watch it.

Happy Friday! It’s the beginning of a new chapter and I’m smiling ear-to-ear. Enjoy your weekend.

image credit: ethan cook 

  1. Cherie

    January 22, 2021 at 1:57 pm

    Lol. Why do people who aren’t cat people always have to announce it before they say something nice about cats? It’s like you’re afraid that everyone will immediately assume you are a crazy cat lady if you don’t.

  2. Meg

    January 25, 2021 at 4:32 pm

    Cat lady here! We had two cats at the start of quarantine. We now have 4. I mean, I did not mean for my life to take this turn, but here we are. I submit. Four cats and one new Roomba.

    Re: new day in politics, did you hear this Hamilton-style song about Janet Yellen? I cannot get over it – it’s so good! I’m voting for letting gray hair come in to be called “Going Full Yellen.” Look at those silvers! https://www.marketplace.org/2021/01/21/yellen-hamilton-musical-biden-dessa/