Odds and Ends

1. A woman’s greatest enemy? Lack of time to herself.

2. Obsessed with these photos of 20- and 30-somethings with gray hair. #grayhairrevolution

3. “You better change your dog’s name because I want to name my newborn the same thing.” This actually happened.

4. Is there such a thing as a “drama-free relationship?”

5. Compression socks are the jam, people.

6. Have you seen the RoastMe forum on Reddit? It’s like the anti-Instagram.

7. I’m in Laguna Beach and LOVING Dew Skin for my face. Why am I just coming around to this tinted amazingness?

8. Gwendoline Christine is the shit.

9. “Goodnight Moon” as read by LeVar Burton and Neil deGrasse Tyson. So good.

10. What does your attachment style say affect your work-life balance?

11. Man, I am loooovvvving bodysuits right now. This one’s my fave.

12. J Lo is FIFTY and damn, she looks amazing.

Happy Friday! We are sandy and blissful in Laguna Beach this week.

image credit: maria carluccio

One thought on “Odds and Ends
  1. Allison

    July 27, 2019 at 12:02 pm

    I *loved* that first essay. Thank you for sharing!