Odds and Ends No. 2

1. Alright, ladies. It seems from the tweets and emails and comments I’ve received, many of you will be rocking these pants soon. Since they were on final sale, I said a little prayer that they look smashing on all of you. (They will! I know they will!) I think I have some more of those 1 item/several look-type posts bouncing around in my brain. Adding to the to-do list!

2. Hair Thursday. Here’s the deal. I’m going back to the old days with the Hair Thursday stuff. Anything written about hair will be posted here, as well as the Hair Thursday site. (So what I’m saying is that if you subscribe to the whoorl feed, there is no reason to subscribe to the HT feed. Saving you from extra RSS clutter. You’re welcome.)

I’m not promising lots and lots of posts, but I am going to do an old school HT makeover once in awhile. I had a cathartic moment last week and deleted every single makeover request saved in my inbox. We’re starting fresh, people. If you would like to be considered, please send me a photo (NOT A TINY ONE WHERE I CAN’T SEE YOUR HAIR) and answer these questions. Simple as that.

3. I published two posts this summer about my ongoing tattoo removal at Hair Thursday. If you are interested in following me on this looong journey, the first post and video is here and the second post is here. I am also doing laser hair removal on my underarms, and the results are freaking fantastic. I seriously can’t believe I waited this long. Would that be a post you are interested in reading over here?

4. This week’s Babble post is looking for ways to help Wito improve his fine motor skill development. If you have any tried or true tips, I would love to hear them!

5. My bearded boyfriend Ray is playing at The Greek tomorrow night, and I am literally counting the minutes. The last time I saw him, I was pregnant with Wita, sitting second row center and taking crappy photos with my iPhone.

So close I can almost touch your beard.

This weekend, I’m most definitely not pregnant and sitting nowhere near the front row, but I can’t wait to hear his voice again. Anyone seen him on this tour yet? I’m dying.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

  1. Lauren

    September 9, 2011 at 7:44 am

    I’m seeing Ray at the end of the month in DC! Can’t wait! Hope I get to touch his beard :p

  2. Jen

    September 9, 2011 at 8:51 am

    Saw Ray a month or 2 ago in Madison, WI. He was indeed awesome, as he was previously as well.

    FWIW, I really like your posts about clothes/outfits, etc. (with pictures of course!!!)

  3. Ashley

    September 9, 2011 at 9:03 am

    I’m totally interested in your underarm hair…hmmm, awkward. But seriously, I’ve been considering laser removal so anything I can learn is stellar!

  4. sizzle

    September 9, 2011 at 12:30 pm

    When is Ray NOT awesome? Answer: NEVER. I’ve seen him 3 times and each time he’s quietly spectacular. (I wish he would share more stories.) Have fun!

  5. Emily B

    September 9, 2011 at 12:55 pm

    I’d love to hear about the laser hair removal, as it’s something I’m considering, too.

    One idea to help with pencil grip–use regular crayons but break them off so that they’re only about 1.5 inches long. That forces kids to hold the pencil without a deathgrip clutch–though judging from the photo of Wito at Babbly he has a pretty decent grip for a little guy. I’ve just gotten some kits from Grasshopper (purchased through Gilt last month) that have a great fine motor component–designed by an OT. Haven’t tried them out, yet, but may be worth looking in to.

  6. Jessica

    September 9, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    I’ve always thought about submitting to HT, but as I have long blonde curly hair, I think you’d tell me to just.be.happy. :)

    However, I am totally wavering on the pants! Such a good deal. If only I could remember my J.Crew pant size, and their size chart tells me I am a 16 which is most certainly not true! I’d be swimming!

  7. Neda

    September 9, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    Yes to laser removal. :) My son is only 3 so I don’t know if 5 year olds like garbage trucks? May sound silly but my son has really improved his fine motor skills with those Bruder garbage trucks (he has been obsessed since age 1) because of the levers and the small handles…might be a fun way for your Wito to improve his skills.

  8. Seriously Sassy Mama

    September 9, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Um.. He is MY bearded boyfriend. He sings to me when I fold the laundry.

  9. Jill Browning

    September 9, 2011 at 5:18 pm

    Yes, please tell me about your pits!

  10. lisa

    September 9, 2011 at 6:43 pm

    can’t wait to see Ray with you! Again. And, we were so much closer than that photo shows (do you remember the camera NOT working?!) xo

  11. Rhi

    September 10, 2011 at 5:21 am

    Kerri and I saw Ray last weekend. He is so dreamy. Not dreamy: the drunks behind us who only came to the show to hear him play Trouble…which they only knew from the insurance commercial. Assholes.

  12. Heather

    September 11, 2011 at 10:52 am

    Who is Ray? I’m afraid I shouldn’t be asking that question… I’m also afraid I know who he is but don’t recognize him…

    We’re having such a hard time with handwriting. These are starting to help http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=536038&cmSource=Search

    but not really helping.

  13. Jessica

    September 11, 2011 at 12:38 pm

    Yippee for going back to the old days of Hair Thursday!

  14. Jenni

    September 19, 2011 at 1:46 pm

    I saw Ray in concert over the summer. He’s so rude. He made me cry four times. *fans self*