Let’s Talk About Boobies

I have to talk about the boobs. AGAIN.

And I really don’t want to talk about the boobs. Again.

But it’s really all I can think about lately. I have some decisions to make about breastfeeding and I need to vent.

It seems that I have thrush. Again.

To those who don’t know about thrush, it’s an annoying issue with breastfeeding mothers. Basically, it’s an overgrowth of common yeast found in all of us. In non-lactating people, it lives in harmony with other organisms in your body. Things can get out of hand, however, if this yeast is allowed to live in warm, moist (oh, I so hate that word) environments. Hence, a nursing mother’s breast and a baby’s mouth are perfect breeding grounds for the yeast. Then begins the classic passing-it-back-and-forth game between the mom and baby.

It doesn’t kill you, it doesn’t make you systemically ill, but it hurts to nurse. Like really hurts. Besides the pain, your nipples turn a lovely shade of angry fuchsia and something as pleasant as a breeze blowing will make you wince.

And how do you get this so-called thrush you ask? Well, that’s the best part! Although there are many culprits, the most common is taking antibiotics. Remember that little bout of mastitis I told you about? Well, looks like the antibiotics I took to clear that up probably caused this. Eye for an eye, I guess.


Breastfeeding is hard.

I never thought these ailments would be the end of my breastfeeding days. I love breastfeeding. I can NOT emphasize that enough. I was one of the lucky ones who never had problems with latching on, had plenty of milk, etc. I love the fact that my thriving 90th percentile son is solely nourished by me. I love the special moments when he looks up at me and smiles or the way he squeezes my hand while he’s feeding. Oh Christ, here come the waterworks. It’s more than the breast milk. It’s the connection.

I am so sick of fretting over this.

I have done more research on these breastfeeding issues than a graduate student would do for his/her thesis. I have contacted professionals, spent hours reading medical journals and it just makes me more frustrated.

Here is what the La Leche League suggests doing if you have recurrent thrush:

1. Avoid sugar, including fruit and artificial sweeteners, anything with yeast including breads, anything fermented, like wine and vinegar, and dairy products, except yogurt with live cultures. Cut back on high carbohydrate foods.
2. Set your dishwasher to heat the water hot enough to kill yeast on glasses, dishes and utensils for oral yeast in family members using these dishes. If you hand wash, dip the dishes and utensils in a bleach solution first.
3. Eliminate the use of Natural B vitamins such as Brewer’s Yeast for a time.
4. Brush your tongue as well as your teeth.
5. Replace toothbrushes regularly. Boil or soak in a 10% bleach solution after each bout of thrush.
6. Disinfect dental or orthodontic appliances each and every time they are removed from the mouth.
7. Discard roll-on or solid deodorant after the initial yeast outbreak has cleared.
8. Use regular, rather than antibacterial soap. Killing bacteria can make yeast overgrowth more likely.
9. Check for yeast growing in or under/around finger or toenails, under arms or breasts, in the groin or baby’s diaper area. Does baby suck thumb, finger or knuckles? Check them carefully. Wash baby’s hands frequently. Also check the finger and toenail beds and where skin touches skin for the entire family.
10. Take precautions to avoid the spread of yeast with family underwear, bras and towels.
11. Wear pantyhose with a cotton crotch, cut the crotch out of the panty or wear thigh-high hose.
12. Avoid synthetic underwear and tight jeans.
13. Change quickly out of sweaty exercise clothes or wet swimsuits.
14. Notice any correlation between your menstrual cycle and thrush reoccurrence, particularly a few days before menses starts.
15. Ask your partner to be checked for a yeast infection.
16. Wash your hands every time you use the toilet, handle your breasts or milk, put your fingers in your own or your baby’s mouth, change diapers (nappies).
17. Treat every single thing possible that you put in your mouth or your children put in theirs to kill yeast.
18. Disinfect inhalers or breathing treatment machines for asthma or other conditions between uses.
19. Replace makeup after clearing up a yeast infestation. Yeast can live on lipsticks, lip and eyeliners, eye shadows, mascaras, foundations and powders. Disinfect or replace makeup applicators.
20. Check everyone in the family for cracks in the corner of the mouth.
21. Have a veterinarian check animals for yeast. Pets with fur can harbor yeast, particularly in their ears. Feathered pets can have yeast overgrowths, too.

I ask you, when is it just TOO MUCH? If I spent the time doing all of these things, plus the anti-fungal cream, the vinegar rinses, treating the baby, I wouldn’t have any time to spend with my child.

Enough is enough.

But then begins the issue with formula. What is deterring me from using formula? I was a formula-fed baby and I think I turned out pretty decent, thank you very much.

Is it what I hear CONSTANTLY from the media and breastfeeding organizations about breastfeeding being superior? Or is it my inherent knowledge as a mother as to what’s best for my baby?

I know what’s best for my baby. A mutually satisfactory and healthy breastfeeding relationship. But we don’t have that anymore. What we do have is a lot of frustration, crying and worry on the mother’s part.

I’m at a loss.

  1. amy

    November 3, 2006 at 11:42 am

    you poor mommy. only a nut head would take steps such as those to avoid yeast. your body doesn’t agree with breastfeeding. i think it would better for you and anders to feed him formula. its too much on your body!
    i am loving your daily posts!

  2. amy

    November 3, 2006 at 11:45 am

    p.s. a little off the subject…but wanted to tell you we will be eating sprinkles for my bday cake at work today and i will be thinking of you. hey…thats what you need…go get a dark chocolate one…now! this will make you temporarily forget your boobie worries…

  3. BeachMama

    November 3, 2006 at 12:00 pm

    I haven’t read all the comments to see if this has been suggested. I never had thrush, but many, many of my friends did. All of them used gentian violet and it worked well. They used it both on their nipples and the baby’s gums, turns everything purple apparently, but works like a charm, so I am told. Check it out, it may work for you.


  4. Sara

    November 3, 2006 at 12:07 pm

    I just wrote a post on my blog about the end of nursing my daughter. What I always told myself, and I’ll share with you is this: I never wanted to feel contempt or regret or dissatisfaction for breastfeeding or my child. I told myself that if something was wrong or causing me so much grief and frustration…I’d quit. You may want to try the Gentian Violet mentioned above or maybe even just a few of the suggestions. That list does seem…extensive, to say the least.
    Best of luck — I have no doubt you’ll find the connection with your son, no matter how you feed him. And now I’m tearing up for you.

  5. Angella

    November 3, 2006 at 12:28 pm

    I have never had thrush…
    With my first, I had no breastfeeding issues whatsoever, and felt like I knew it all. Ha!
    My second did NOT nurse well, and preferred a bottle and was on formula at 3 months. So far, so good this third time with Emily, but I now know that there is no cut and dried solution – you just do what works best for you and Anders :)

  6. kristin

    November 3, 2006 at 12:35 pm

    i second the post about acidopholis. thrush sounds a little more complicated than typical yeast issues, but it’s supposed to help the body balance itself… worth a shot?? my understanding is that it is safe to take everyday, so you could incorporate it into your daily routine with your multivitamin to keep the yeast at bay rather than soaking your house in bleach. i’m sorry this issue is stealing your joy of breastfeeding. :(

  7. lulu

    November 3, 2006 at 12:36 pm

    Whoorl – I’m so sorry. :( It pains me to see you go through this much agony with your breastfeeding, and I really hope your thrush clears soon. I will be sending you good vibes and hoping you find an acceptable (for you) compromise/solution.

  8. reluctant housewife

    November 3, 2006 at 1:02 pm


    I nursed exclusively for a year with my firstborn. It wasn’t great, but I did it.

    With the second? We will do a nursing/formula mix. Because you know what? Sebastian started drinking formula in the middle of the first year, and he was fine.

    You don’t have to give up nursing 100% if you don’t want to. You can do both. Or just do formula if it works better for you. The best way is what is going to make you happy. You need all your energy for all the work ahead.

    This coming from another 100% formula fed baby who grew up into a more or less sane person, except for the fact that she has a blog.

    Good luck!

  9. Bethany

    November 3, 2006 at 1:43 pm

    I am sorry you are so conflicted. Breastfeeding is not easy in the first few months, that is true. I had a really difficult time with my daughter–not latching properly, slow weight gain, etc.–and ended up using formula in the end. I tried really hard to avoid it because I am cheap and lazy, and hated the thought of washing and sterilizing bottles all the time. (Which is a thought I had reading the list of stuff you’re supposed to do to prevent yeast, that you would be doing almost as much work if Anders switched to formula only.) But once I exhausted all other options, we supplemented with two 4-oz. bottles of formula a day, and that was fine. Not too many bottles to wash, but it gave me a couple of spaces of time in the day when I didn’t have to nurse. And actually, I weaned my daughter off the bottles around 9 months, when she was consuming more calories from solid food, and continued breasfeeding for another year. I was so glad in the long run that I stuck with nursing, because it was so helpful when we had to travel a lot, when we moved across the country to a new, strange place, and when my daughter went through a couple of illnesses around the 18-month mark. Extended breastfeeding isn’t for everyone, but I enjoyed nursing so much more after my daughter’s first birthday than I ever did when she was an infant.

  10. reluctant housewife

    November 3, 2006 at 2:16 pm

    oops. I just re-read my comment. I tried to get Sebastian to drink formula at around 6 months – he refused more than an ounce at a time until he would take a full bottle at around 10 months. So while not “exclusively” nursing was his main source of nourishment for about a year.

    Still, baby#2 is going to get at least a bottle of formula a day once my milk supply comes in.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  11. Jora

    November 3, 2006 at 4:01 pm

    I guess I am in the minority here: Don’t Give Up on Breastfeeding Yet!! Every doctor will tell you it is the best thing you can do for your baby. Yes, Anders will survive on formula, but to really give him a headstart, he needs your breastmilk. Have you had your doctor prescribe an antifungal? Also, you can put acidopholus powder on your nipples and in Anders’ mouth. Read Dr. Sears, if you haven’t already… I know the LLL people are a little weird, but sometimes going to a meeting and talking to moms who have overcome the problem can really help (rather than fretting over a long list of do’s and don’t’s) he biggest things you’ve gotten through: Anders latching on correctly and having enough milk (he’s thriving!!) Either way, mom definitely knows best… Good luck Whoorl!

  12. Amanda

    November 3, 2006 at 4:24 pm

    You know that I too have been through the breastfeeding ringer and it’s so hard! I haven’t endured the mastitis and thrush because my baby REJECTED MY NIPPLES (doesn’t that make a needy, hormonal first time mother feel so good)! The pumping thing worked for us and I am still going strong with my Ameda Purely Yours. It’s an extra step and somewhat time consuming but maybe you could just pump until the thrush cleared up? I don’t know. Whatever you end up doing, you can be confident in the knowledge that you are a super mom to Anders and he’s a lucky boy to have someone so concerned with his well being.

  13. whoorl

    November 3, 2006 at 4:28 pm

    First of all, you guys rock the casbah. I was a teensy bit nervous that a breastfeeding/formula battle might start up. But NOOOOOOO, not my beautiful, well-behaved readers.

    Since some of you have asked, I have been using an antifungal for a couple of weeks now and also taking oral acidophilus in the mornings. Unfortunately, it’s not doing the trick. I am considering Gentian Violet as the next step.

    Today, I have been pumping my milk and feeding Anders with a bottle. Luckily, he has no issues with bottle-feeding (I guess the NICU trained him well).

    I haven’t decided ultimately what I am going to do, but I think it will consist of a combination of breast milk and formula. It just makes sense, especially since I will be returning to work at the end of the month.

    Thank you all so much for your concern…now, go have a great weekend!

  14. ms. sizzle

    November 3, 2006 at 6:08 pm

    i just had to chime in, way late, to say that you are doing an awesome job being a mom. sincerely! hang in there, this sounds so rough on you. take care of you too, ya know?

    :) sizz

  15. Angela

    November 3, 2006 at 11:22 am

    I had that with both of my sons. It is a huge pain. I still take the acidopholis every now and then. There is a great natural protocol from Jack Newman. He wrote a book. I visited his clinic and his treatment worked.
