Let’s Start at the Beginning

The past week has been full of entertainment. Full of friends, family, travel, semi-birthdays and such. Today, however, I don’t think I can even delve into to my Oklahoma excursion before paying proper respect to my (formerly blog but now real-life) friends Darren and Nabbalicious.

You all read Darren and Nabbalicious, right? Of COURSE you do, Whoorl don’t raise no fools. But if for some reason you don’t, I don’t think we can be friendly anymore. Peace be with you.

Now leave. Seriously.

Wait, come back! Hello?

The three of us decided over email to meet during their visit from the East Coast. They are planning on moving out to LA in the future, so I immediately decided to get them down to the beach and put the hard sell on my neck of the woods. We planned for a Monday lunch date because I was leaving for Oklahoma early the next morning and of course, needed to spend the afternoon and evening obsessively packing and mumbling to myself.

I normally do not plan anything the day before I leave for a trip. You see, we don’t want to disturb Whoorl’s harmony and balance with the world. We like to slowly and effectively complete the following tasks.

1) Creating the packing list. Written list for baby. Written list for Whoorl.
2) Re-write the packing list to combine previous lists; including color customization and placement.
3) Fold clothes using tissue paper to prevent creases.
4) Pack bag.
5) Rearrange packing.
6) Check weather reports for possible travel snafus.
7) Practice holding baby, taking off shoes and folding down the stroller with one hand. Whoorl does not want to hold up the security line at the airport. Practice until tasks are complete within 10 seconds.
8) Calculate amount of formula needed in diaper bag if flights are canceled, earthquakes shut down airport, or get lost in a snowstorm.
9) Sit on bed and stare at luggage.
10) Lather, rinse, repeat.

I know what you are thinking…”How can Whoorl be so laid back?” I don’t know, people. It’s a gift. However, might I inform you that Wito completed his 14th flight in 7 months without ever having a meltdown. Coincidence or the work of a planning genius? (dun-dun-DUNNNNNN)

So, against my innate tendencies, I scheduled the lunch. I figured if anyone understood my packing issue, it would be Nabbalicious. Have you seen this? It’s like heroin in my veins.

We met around noon, grabbed some lunch and strolled down to the beach. On our way back, Darren and I discussed favorite beers, which led to all sorts of alcohol tidbits and my famous recipe for margaritas.

And you can guess what happened next. A little bit of this:


And a little bit of that:

photos courtesy of Darren and Nabbalicious. Have I mentioned Darren and Nabbalicious?

And a little bit of calling my husband at work several hours later sounding something like this:

Whoorl: D! Baaaby! I looooove Dawrrren and Nabbi! We’s besh fwreends! I make the tashiest mahgereetas! I shoould thow down with Booby Flay!

D: Wow. I take it you’ve made lots of margaritas.

Whoorl: Who knows?! I made new fwreends! Nabbi’s sho pretty and Dawrren’s soooooo funny and tawl! Is it dawk outschide? When you comin’ home, baaaby?? Rawrrrrrrr.

D: Um, are you ready for your trip tomorrow morning?

Whoorl: Huh?

Two lessons to be learned, cronies. First off, do not plan a “quick” get-together with amazingly cool people such as these two when you have shit to do. And secondly, everything always falls into place. Relax, will ya?

  1. Jora

    March 8, 2007 at 6:58 am

    Wah!! I need a margarita. Esp. since Charlie decided to start waking up at 4:20 in the a.m. since we got back from Colorado this week. He, too, used to be the marathon sleeper and I always thought “What’s with these other non-sleeping babies?” Ha! Anyway, hope to meet you guys in person sometime soon and partake in the libations. I need them!! Wito is too cute for words, by the way! p.s. my streak is over. I never had that toy. But I do have “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” — it’s one of Charlie’s favorites!