Let’s Play A Game

Or be a part of my non-scientific, double-blind, placebo-controlled, government-funded study!

Um, it’s really none of those things. But did you see how well that flowed from my fingers and translated on the written page? Seven years of pharmaceutical sales has taught me something, by God.

Mommies, tell me how many days +/- you delivered from your due date. Also, if you had two separate dates (like the lame LMP spinny-wheel date vs. what the ultrasounds predicted), which was closer? And non-mommies, I’m not discriminatory…tell me about your sisters, friends, etc.

And finally (TMI), did anyone have really bad breast pain in their last month? Like your nipple was struck by lightening?

Because OUCH.

  1. mar

    July 14, 2006 at 3:46 pm

    22 days past due for #1 (and still was induced) – and 12 days past for #2 (and yes, was induced again). Don’t know if it mattered, but I had hyperemesis (constant morning sickness) for both pregnancies, including up to and after delivery. #1 was only 5 lbs. on his due date, so I was happy to have him “cook” a little longer – he was born 8 lbs. 8 oz.

    And honestly – I can’t think of much that didn’t hurt during those last few weeks of pregnancy, but yea, the girls do get a little more sensitive than usual!

    Don’t let all our stories scare you – your little man will arrive when he is good and ready – I’m sure you’ll be ready too! Good luck!

  2. katie

    July 14, 2006 at 9:16 pm

    Just came across your blog through Agent Josephine’s link! Sadly, my Jack was eleven days over due. The spinny wheels lie, truly they are designed to drive women mad. They should give us a “Due Month” not a due date!

  3. rebecca

    July 15, 2006 at 8:40 am

    My “official” due date (according to the spinny thing) was April 21, then the ultrasound changed it to April 24, then he ended up being born on the 16th. And annoyingly, I went into labor one hour after I had left my office to go on maternity leave. No week watching Dr. Phil while eating bonbons for me.

  4. Nila

    July 15, 2006 at 11:02 pm

    I don’t remember exact dates, It was almost 10 years ago, but I do remember being 2 weeks late. And it pissed me off to no end when people would tell me “you’re first usually comes late”. That’s not what one wants to hear at that point, but it seems to be true. My second was more on target, but that first just took forever. Don’t worry though, he will come out when he’s ready, and then you’ll have to share him with the whole wide world, so enjoy having him all to yourself right now.

  5. teresa

    July 19, 2006 at 10:37 am

    my ultrasound due date was December 21st. but my official due date was December 14th. my baby arrived early on December 9th.

    here goes hoping that yours will arrive early too!

  6. Shelly

    July 20, 2006 at 10:47 pm

    I had my son on my due date. Water broke, went to the hospital, dilated to a 8! I delivered him in less than two hours from the time my water broke.
    My daughter was born 10 days early. Dilated to a 5 when I got to the hospital, had her about five hours later. No epidural with either one.