Let’s Play A Game

Or be a part of my non-scientific, double-blind, placebo-controlled, government-funded study!

Um, it’s really none of those things. But did you see how well that flowed from my fingers and translated on the written page? Seven years of pharmaceutical sales has taught me something, by God.

Mommies, tell me how many days +/- you delivered from your due date. Also, if you had two separate dates (like the lame LMP spinny-wheel date vs. what the ultrasounds predicted), which was closer? And non-mommies, I’m not discriminatory…tell me about your sisters, friends, etc.

And finally (TMI), did anyone have really bad breast pain in their last month? Like your nipple was struck by lightening?

Because OUCH.

  1. Sara

    July 12, 2006 at 10:33 pm

    My first and only child was born 13 days before her due date (and I had a fast labor). The date calculation was based on the knowledge of my cycle and the wheely thing. I had an ultrasound one week before and the tech said I wasn’t even close. (She was also “sure” that the gender-unknown baby was over 7 lbs.; at birth she was 6 lbs., 2 oz.)
    Nipples — can’t remember pain there, but they were kind of…leaky.

  2. chantel

    July 12, 2006 at 11:26 pm

    Two kids delivered on their due date. My daughter waited while I was in labor for 20 hours before she would come out. My son was ready he came in 5 hours.

    I had incredible boob pain because I was getting my milk so they tingled pretty bad also I think it was because I had no boobs before I got pregnant so they had some growing to do.

    Good luck, my best friend is due Aug 4 so I’m doubly excited.

  3. Dana

    July 13, 2006 at 12:34 am

    Okay, you are stealing my last brain cell now, because I am awake with a sick kid at 3AM, who is on the VERGE of sleep. *sigh*

    Hrm….our first was a week late. Second was on her due date. Third was a week early, right before my second final exam that week. Fourth was a bit late (the second boy) and the fifth was born relatively on time, but I also augmented my own labor because my labor didn’t start for 12+hrs after my water broke…so she was late, but on time (well, her time anyway).

    I still get shooting pains in my nipples occasionally, and I have been continually pregnant or nursing for almost a decade. It is from the milk glands doing their thing, not a big deal at all.

    Best of luck!

  4. Jennifer

    July 12, 2006 at 7:47 pm

    doctor’s due date: Dec 3rd. ultrasound due date: Nov 30th. the day I started labor: Dec 12th. day he was born: Dec 14th.

  5. bishOp stu tu

    July 13, 2006 at 4:57 am

    whOOrl gOOrl,

    my babies came right on time as I recall, and I had damn little pain in my bOObies.

    tankee, da bishOp.

    letsa’ rap this deal UP…eh?

  6. kimmer

    July 13, 2006 at 6:10 am

    I went into labor two days before my due date with Jones. After 17 hours, he was born via c-section. I TOTALLY expected to go long as my mom had done with me. So, he was born one day before LMP date. My doc didn’t believe in the US date. Friend Marcie just went three days late with her third – and it was her hardest labor yet!

  7. kris

    July 13, 2006 at 6:17 am

    Wish I had something witty about boob pain to write, but I don’t. Ouch, Whoorl. Feel better, kiddo. Ice cubes?

    Probably not. ;)

  8. Sarah

    July 13, 2006 at 6:17 am

    My little guy was 12 days late according to the calendar, and 11 days according to the ultrasound. I could have been induced early, but I let him come when he was ready, which was one day before mandatory induction (42 weeks).

  9. Torrie

    July 13, 2006 at 6:59 am

    My cousin was Due July 2nd and she gave birth on Tuesday (July 11th).

  10. ms. sizzle

    July 13, 2006 at 8:41 am


    good god!

  11. Ceece

    July 13, 2006 at 9:58 am

    Conner was 2 weeks early, but he was big enough so I’m thinking he actually came on time. (hello surprise, so we were’t really keeping track)

    The dr. stripped my membranes and I went into labor that night. (not exactly the most comfortable thing, I think i tore the pleather on the exam table, but it worked

    Good luck!

  12. don't call me ma'am

    July 13, 2006 at 1:23 pm

    Daughter #1- exactly two weeks late from calculated due date.

    Daughter #2- exactly two weeks early from calculated due date.

    And yes, my boobs hurt like hell.

  13. kim

    July 13, 2006 at 1:50 pm

    My water broke with both of my kids. I was so thankful because I was always so worried I would never know when to go to the hospital or wouldn’t make it on time.

    My first, daughter, was 2 weeks early from my calculated due dat. My second, son, was 1 week early from my calculated due date.

    Don’t remember terrible pain in my boobs but my crauch always hurt from the pressure.

  14. iamsdr

    July 13, 2006 at 12:53 pm

    at the end, my boobs didn’t hurt much, although my soul did when the stretch marks appeared. 1st trimester, a subtle breeze in their direction made me want to cry though.

    due date ? – ultrasound predicted 10 days before the wheel. i went into labor 2 hours after my due date (and after a long day of walking around the mall). my doctor predicted a month early from my measurements and a bout of pre-term labor at 31 weeks. all in all, i think it’s a crap shoot.

  15. Mary

    July 13, 2006 at 8:06 pm

    You aren’t gonna like this. My due date was July 28th. On August 25th, I had an appointment at my ob’s office. After my exam, the doctor said, “I don’t know why you’re not in labor. Everything is ready. Well, if nothing happens before then, be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 6am and we’ll induce.” I stopped for an ice cream cone, went home and sat in my rocker. My back started bothering me so I went to lay in my bed. My back continued to really hurt. Then the contractions started. I timed them for an hour. Then I told my husband to take a shower and have something to eat. We arrived at the hospital at 8pm and my daughter was born at 1:20am. Turns out I ovulate around day 20 in my cycle, so my due date was wrong from the beginning. Duh!