Leaving Las Vegas

Hey, how was your weekend? Mine was interesting to say the least…

Whoorl’s Shitty Weekend in List Form:

1. I woke up Friday morning in Las Vegas sooooo ready to fly home at 3:53pm. It’s going to be a great extended weekend!
2. Got ready for my morning meetings when I noticed something strange going on. Remembered that this strange event can be common in early pregnancy, and tried not to stress about it.
3. Attended meetings from 7:45 – 11:30. Had absolutely no idea what in the hell was going on because all I could think about was my baby.
4. Confided in two of my colleagues who both suggested I call my doctor immediately.
5. Called my doctor, explained the situation, and told her about my flight home in less than 4 hours. I was hoping she would tell me to get my ass home pronto. Unfortunately, that was not the case as she told me to go to the nearest ER immediately.
6. Hung up the phone. Slight whoorl meltdown while hiding behind a partition in the Venetian hotel. There were about 400 reps from my company in the area with me and all I wanted to do was find my manager, tell him the situation and get the hell out of dodge without them all seeing me cry. I just REALLY didn’t want to make a scene- which was difficult considering I was a extremely hormonal, scared pregnant lady who had just been told to go to the ER in Las Vegas.
7. Somehow managed to get my manager’s attention, told him the situation, and we took off together in search for a cab.
8. Found the cab line at the front of the Venetian, cut in front of 250 reps while my boss yelled “NEAREST HOSPITAL PLEASE!” So much for not making a scene.
9. We were dropped off at the Sunrise Hospital Emergency Room, aka Shit-My-Pants-Kind-Of-Scary Hospital. The ER was packed, which I expected considering Las Vegas is notorious for extremely long ER waits.
10. The triage nurse checked me in with comments like “Well, you know if you miscarry, there’s nothing you can do about it”. “The baby can’t survive on it’s own.” “I’ve had 5 miscarriages myself and it’s really common and NO BIG DEAL.” I swear I nearly punched her few remaining teeth out. NO SHIT, BITCH! I’M FULLY AWARE OF MY SITUATION, THANKS. I’M SORRY I’M KEEPING YOU FROM YOUR NASCAR EVENT.
11. Called D to inform him that I had made it to the ER. At this point , we decided it would be best for him to make the 4 1/2 hour drive to come get me since it was about 1:00pm and we weren’t sure about making my flight home.
12. For the next three hours, my boss (who, frankly, missed his own flight for me and was AMAZING the entire day) tried to pass the time by making fun of the complete fashion disasters that were surrounding us and closing in fast. People, there were some denim items that I have never seen the likes of in my 31 years on this planet.
13. Yes, we were making fun of people while waiting to make sure my baby was OK. We are horrible people, but how else do you pass the time?
14. 4:30pm. Not ONE person has been called back in over three hours. My boss checks in with the no-teeth beaatch. She informs him that there are 38 people waiting for beds in the back already. She says it will be at least 5 more hours. When I catch wind of the situation, I make the executive decision to Fuck This, despite my doctor’s advice of being evaluated in Las Vegas.
15. Took a cab back to the Venetian, got my bags, and waited for D to pick me up.
16. Made the 4 1/2 hour drive back home. Drove straight to my hospital’s ER. Arrived around 10:30pm. Only had to wait about an hour, and then spent about three hours being evaluated.
17. Happy news! After blood tests, pelvic exams and an ultrasound, the baby seems just fine. I had a small hemorrhage in my uterus, and was ordered on bed rest until this week when hopefully, the hemorrhage will heal itself. And yes, I totally blame my company’s meeting for all if this considering I had to walk an equivalent of 2-3 miles a day while lugging my books to and from the Convention Center.
18. We drove home from the hospital at 2:30am and crashed (after showers, of course. Germs, people. Germs.)
19. Woke up Saturday morning with some sort of hybrid flu/cold thing and have been in bed ever since while coughing my brains out. And coughing hurts. My head is going to explode and I can’t take anything! Wahhhhhhh.

Good times.

But, hey! Guess what? My baby’s fine! AND I got some really cute ultrasound pics on Friday night/Saturday morning! AND I am getting a follow-up ultrasound in about an hour! So, you know what that means? Whoorlito pics in a couple of hours!

Well, at least that’s exciting to me…

  1. lisa

    January 16, 2006 at 10:00 am

    wow – that’s scary. i’m *so* glad everything turned out a-OK! take it easy!

  2. Photographer Lori

    January 16, 2006 at 10:30 am


    So glad everything is ok. Don’t think I offically congratulated you on the news…Congrats…


  3. Alicat

    January 16, 2006 at 11:01 am

    eiii che mama! I’m so glad you are whoorlito are doing good! whew! rest up girls (that’s right! I am guessing you have a girl cooped up in there) and let me know if you need me to send you sweets! :)

  4. Lulu

    January 16, 2006 at 11:12 am

    I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I read that you and the baby were fine.

    Glad you’re back home and safe. :)

  5. Lyndsay

    January 16, 2006 at 11:14 am

    I hate it when evil peiople tell you miscarriages are totally normal.

  6. Sarcomical

    January 16, 2006 at 11:30 am

    holy shit.

    i felt the breath leave my body for a few seconds there. oh good lord, i can’t believe they won’t see a WOMAN WHO IS PREGNANT DOESN’T ANYONE KNOW HOW BIG A DEAL THAT IS?!?!?!!??!!!!????

    i am so glad you and the whoorlito are okay. please post ultrasound pics asap. i need to make sure for myself the bugger is all cozy. thank you. ;)

  7. gorillabuns

    January 16, 2006 at 12:10 pm

    yet another reason why you can’t go on stupid company trips… i’m so glad you are well and the baby is fine. i’ll be waiting for the update status….

    by the way can you imagine our bosses from N being that nice and kind to us? HELL, NO!!!

  8. Anna

    January 16, 2006 at 1:18 pm

    Glad to hear that all is well. I couldn’t even imagine hanging out in a Las Vegas ER, so good for you for staying as long as you did. It also sounds like you have the best boss. Thank goodness, I had one similar when I was working out there while pregnant. Great bosses Rock.

    Rest well, enjoy the extra time to sleep

  9. lissa

    January 16, 2006 at 1:50 pm

    That is so the weekend from hell. I’m glad you and the baby are okay. And no need to apologize for making fun of people because you know we all do it!

  10. nabbalicious

    January 16, 2006 at 2:03 pm

    Holy crap, I’m SO glad everything’s fine. My heart was pounding reading your post. That triage nurse needs a swift kick in the ass, too. What a horrible thing to say to someone.

  11. Boogie's Mom

    January 16, 2006 at 2:26 pm

    Oh, I’m so glad you’re OK. I was so stressed reading your list, worrying about how it would turn out. Stay in bed, read some good books, relax, and take care of that baby!

  12. libragirl

    January 16, 2006 at 3:19 pm

    Glad you and the little one are ok. How come you didn’t try to get that nurse fired for stupidity and no common sense on what to say or not to say

  13. ms. sizzle

    January 16, 2006 at 5:05 pm

    are you kidding? it’s totally exciting!! i am so glad you and baby are ok. this confirms it- vegas is a well lit hell.

    can’t wait to see the pics of whoorlito!

  14. don't call me ma'am

    January 16, 2006 at 5:58 pm

    I’m a little late on the commenting, but I’m pretty sure we could all go to Vegas and kick that triage nurse’s ASSSS! She should be fired and made to clean toilets in a casino. Ewww.

    Glad everything is well!

  15. Jurgen Nation

    January 16, 2006 at 12:33 pm

    Jesus Tapdancing Christ, I was holding my breath. I’m so glad that you’re okay. Ohmygod. My heart stopped beating for a long second.

    Okay! Whoo! I can’t wait to see Whoorlito and again, I’m so, so glad you’re all right.