Just a Few Things

1) I’m so happy American Idol is finally down to 24 contestants. The auditioning process was so. very. tiring. to. watch.

2) Speaking of American Idol, my husband’s hair temporarily looks like Simon Cowell. It is very unfortunate. We both got haircuts yesterday, in which he had a fair amount cut off. His hair literally did not know which way to lie, so it just stood straight up in perfect Simon Cowell squared-off fashion. Sexy.

3) Have I mentioned that Whoorlito will most likely break the world record for the most hair? The thickness factor between D and I is insane- it’s very possible that Whoorlito might look like this.

4) So many of my daily blog reads have been in my dreams lately. Jurgen Nation, Something So Clever, Sarcomical, and some sort of Sarcastic Journalist and Secret Agent Josephine hybrid. Maybe I need a break from all the reading.

5) My belly is starting to pop.

6) Chipotle for lunch! Wiping the drool off my keyboard.

  1. Sarcomical

    February 16, 2006 at 10:47 am

    as long as i was cute in the dream. that’s all that matters. i wasn’t a bitch, was i? ;) heh

  2. Jessie

    February 16, 2006 at 10:51 am

    I still haven’t eaten at Chipotle yet. There aren’t any in Michigan. The WHOLE state is void of Chipotle. I may have to plan my next vacation around that fact because people keep talking about how good it is.

  3. whoorl

    February 16, 2006 at 11:45 am

    Jessie, you have to go when you get the chance. Perfectly yummy.

    Sarcomical, you were darling in my dream. Of course! You, me and Alicat (with jet black hair) were having lunch at a really busy restaurant. We were just chatting away, having the best time.

    I wish we could do that in real life! :)

  4. Sarcomical

    February 16, 2006 at 1:07 pm

    p.s. sorry about the Simon Hair. yewhhech.

  5. kimmer

    February 16, 2006 at 1:42 pm

    LOVE the belly pop. You are going to looking smashing!!! The second time around belly for me is already growing – a lot…I am scared of twins at this moment.

  6. lissa

    February 16, 2006 at 1:45 pm

    mmmmmmmmm Chipotle! I had something witty to say and now my mind can’t think of anything else besides Chipotle.

  7. Alicat

    February 16, 2006 at 1:51 pm

    Jet black hair eh??? That is intruiging…I was going to guess that I was feeding you cannoli after cannoli, never able to satiate the hungry belly! :o) hehe, love that monkey pic. ;) The belly is def. going through some major changes..will it be like pimp my ride?

  8. Alicat

    February 16, 2006 at 1:52 pm

    PS – I wish we three could do that in real life too! :( sad.

  9. kris

    February 16, 2006 at 2:23 pm

    Chipotle = blog fodder all around! I’m going to go write something about the Bell.

  10. Sarcastic Journalist

    February 16, 2006 at 3:15 pm

    Dude, I love chipolte almost as much as i love being in your dreams as a SAJ hybrid!

  11. Lyndsay

    February 16, 2006 at 1:12 pm

    You just HAD to mention that you’re eating Chipotle. You have no shame.

  12. Jurgen Nation

    February 16, 2006 at 7:13 pm

    Whoorl, I hope I was nice in the dream. People are always dreaming me mean, and I’m so not. Not that people dream about me, but the very few times it has come up, I’ve been horrible.

    Also, AI. I haven’t watched this week because I thought they were still on the huge groups. I was getting tired of them, too.

  13. reluctant housewife

    February 17, 2006 at 7:45 am

    What is this “Chipotl”e you all speak of?

    Anyways, Whoorl, the belly is cute…time to start shopping! And don’t feel guilty about your new wardrobe because you will use it after the baby is born.

    For some reason I never thought of that. Then I was wearing the same jeans until The Boy was 4 months old. I was afraid of my “real” clothes! So if you see clothes that are cute and fit – go for it!

  14. Boogie's Mom

    February 17, 2006 at 10:30 pm

    I can’t wait until next week when they start performing. Although, I already have my favorites: The blond girl who look like Carrie Underwood, the girl with the squeaky talking voice but the amazing singing voice, the girl who’s mom was the singing coach, the other girl with the long brown wavy hair (not sure why I like her, but she just seems so alternative in a Tori Amos sort of way). For the guys, I love, love, love Charlie (I think that’s his name, the bald guy with the sideburns?). I also like the guy who looks like Fred Savage from Wonder Years. Of course, my heart goes out to the little guy who sang You Lift Me Up in the auditions. I’m such a sucker for the underdog.

    You have to post a picture of the belly!

  15. ms. sizzle

    February 18, 2006 at 11:56 am

    I am also glad the AI auditioning is done with. So it wasn’t just me that felt like it was taking years!?

    Cute belly pop.

    :) sizz