It’s Cold

This is so funny. And so ridiculously true.

(You all would be appalled at how much I’ve whined about the weather this week. I even caught myself saying, “I just can’t live like this much longer” last night.)

((Make fun all you want, but it’s downright unacceptable beach weather. UNACCEPTABLE.))

(((Good thing it will be back in the 70s later this week.)))

  1. Vashti

    January 16, 2013 at 4:49 am

    Hi! Just a random comment, would love to see how the house is coming along :) It’s always fun to see how people’s renovation projects are going, and I feel like we haven’t seen a post on yours in a while. Hope your new year is off to a great start :)

  2. Susan

    January 16, 2013 at 8:15 am

    In Indiana, it was 62 degrees Saturday, we got 4 inches of rain Saturday night (and a wind storm, power went out 6 times) then Sunday it was 30 degrees and falling, and we had freezing rain/ice. Next week, it will be a high of 14 degrees on Tuesday. Midwesterners are used to the rollercoaster, but this is ridiculous! Best of luck to you SoCal peeps as you weather your cold temps :) (BTW, this weather is rough on wardrobe choices, let me tell you!)

  3. Holly

    January 16, 2013 at 8:50 am

    Vacationing in Phoenix from IL…this cold weather just ain’t fair.

  4. thepetitegourmand

    January 17, 2013 at 8:23 am

    Try living in Canada…yikes. though it’s not been too terrible this winter so far, I’d happily trade our winter for one of your cold snaps…