Open Cardigans

I would like to thank the fashion gods for creating trends that coincide so beautifully with my personal life. Take, for instance, open cardigans. With the appearance of my pregnant belly imminent, nothing makes me happier than buying darling cardigans that can be worn well after the bambino arrives. Just add my favorite pair of maternity jeans and a couple of Gap tees, and I’ve secured the majority of my winter wardrobe.


1. Dwarf Quince Cardigan, $98 at Anthropologie

2. Vince Ruffle Cardigan, $184 at Piperlime

3. Lazy Line Painter Cardigan, $44.99 at ModCloth

4. Dream Shawl Cardigan, $94 at J. Crew

5. Smitten Drapey Cardigan, $181 at Piperlime

6. Front Drape Cardigan, $32 at Forever 21

7. Waffle Sweater Cardigan, $22 at Forever 21

8. Stella Lines Cardigan, $59 at ModCloth

  1. Tina

    December 18, 2009 at 7:57 am

    I just have to agree …only mine is to hide my post-baby belly (is 2 1/2 years still “post baby”? LOL) and the fact that I have no time to iron! I think I have about 5 of these in my closet right now and I just throw them on with a t-shirt about every day!
    .-= Tina´s last blog ..What I love right now =-.

  2. heidi

    December 18, 2009 at 9:05 am

    Yes, they are lovely but what is with all the short sleeves? Makes me cold.

    Fortunately for me, I live in Southern California where the temps rarely dip below 60. However, I still wear my short-sleeved cardigans with long sleeve tees or turtlenecks underneath.

    .-= heidi´s last blog ..she shoots sheep shots: redscarf project =-.

  3. Rebecca (Bearca)

    December 18, 2009 at 9:44 am

    Uh, yeah. I think you already know how I feel about this! Also, I own one of these… #6!
    .-= Rebecca (Bearca)´s last blog ..I can’t believe I’m posting this =-.

  4. Beth

    December 18, 2009 at 10:12 am

    Loving me some Forever 21….I can be trendy and cheap at the same time!

  5. Nothing But Bonfires

    December 18, 2009 at 10:59 am

    Oh man, I bought an open cardigan a few month ago and I LOVE IT. Wait, I don’t have to be pregnant to love it, right? Uh, I hope not.
    .-= Nothing But Bonfires´s last blog ..I Only Invite People Over So I Have An Excuse To Redecorate =-.

  6. Mama in the City

    December 18, 2009 at 11:13 am

    I think the open cardigan is great for growing bellies on mamas who want to keep being hip through their pregnancy…but for a mama who has a tiny post partum bulge a sweater like this would make me feel self aware. I would prefer one that loosely wrapped and concealed. That being said #1 is catching my eye.
    .-= Mama in the City´s last blog ..What’s Under Your Christmas Tree? =-.

  7. janet

    December 18, 2009 at 11:20 am

    I recently purchased one at H & M and have worn it every day since. It’s been washed a few times and still looks great!

  8. HollyLynne

    December 18, 2009 at 11:32 am

    This cracks me up . . .I’m wearing an open cardigan now and have been wearing variations of them pretty much all week. The really drapey ones that you can wrap over the belly if you’re cold are the best! I love the modcloth one . . .off to check it out :)
    .-= HollyLynne´s last blog ..Coming up for air =-.

  9. Moose

    December 18, 2009 at 3:50 pm

    I own number 7 (in that exact color even) and I adore it. It makes me feel jaunty. And, dare I say it, fashionable. Something I haven’t felt since 1996 and the days of the plaid flannel shirt. I just negated any claims to fashionable, didn’t I?

  10. am'ti b

    December 19, 2009 at 1:36 am

    these styles work great for us bigger girls too! sooooooooooooo excited!!!!!! if you know what i mean. habbibi will be besides her self the day she understands!

  11. Court

    December 21, 2009 at 6:26 pm

    Im in love with #1. Looking for the price to go down a TAD. Anyone let me know if they see some less expensive alternatives with that funky kind of pattern.
    .-= Court´s last blog ..Hooded? Put It On Meh! =-.

  12. jones

    December 22, 2009 at 8:03 am

    do you have any recommendations for maternity jeans. getting to that point fast…

    .-= jones´s last blog ..White Christmas =-.