That button is genius, right? Thanks for the nice comments about my belly, by the way. I have to admit my favorite was an incoming link about how good I looked for 19 months pregnant. 19 MONTHS pregnant? Hell, I LOOK FANTASTIC.
The belly is definitely popping, which is perfectly coinciding with my incessant need to graze like a cow all day long. Speaking of…
I love to prep. I love to cook. I love to eat. I HATE TO PLAN MY MEALS.
I’ve talked about this before, and how the Relish System totally saved my ass in the kitchen. Seriously, you guys. I’ve been consistently using their menus and grocery lists on a weekly basis for almost 2 years. 2 years! That right there is true love in my books, for the last time I showed that level and length of commitment was to my Duran Duran poster (MARRY ME, NICK RHODES!!!) from 1982 to 1984.
(Hey! If you also suffer from Can’tPlanDinneritis and want to join Relish, be sure and enter whoorl in the “how you heard of us” section so they know I sent you!)
Back to the planning thing. Although I have my dinners beautifully covered on a weekly basis, I am still falling short on planning/purchasing items for other meals, such as snacks. Seeing as I feel the need to eat a little something, oh, about every 26 minutes, I am at a loss as to what I should buy for healthy snacks in between meals. Right now, I am eating more baby carrots and radishes than you can shake a stick at. I am turning a lovely shade of rosy orange, though!
What are some of your favorite moderately healthy snacks to keep around the house? Help me! DO IT FOR THE BABY.
January 27, 2010 at 3:18 pmMy favorite quick healthy snacks are grapes, satsumas/cuties, string cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, applesauce, almonds, pistachios, granola bars (there are some good homemade recipes for these), guacamole (homemade or Trader Joe’s) or salsa (either homemade or I like Salsa Lisa) with cucumber slices as chips – or with chips, depending on my mood.
I also really like the VitaTops the Hungry Girl is always raving about – that’s usually what I’ll stick in my purse for a snack. That or a granola bar.
Sadie at heymamas
January 27, 2010 at 3:22 pmI have just fallen in love with homemade strawberry banana smoothies. And I don’t usually have much luck in the kitchen but these smoothies are idiot proof and healthy. I use a Fage yogurt which when eaten plain to me is not that great but in te smoothie it us fab and supplies you with 15 grams of protein. So here’s what you do and if you make the whole recipe you can put te left over in the fridge and snack on it all day.
1 cup yogurt
2 cups fresh strawberries halved
1 cup of pomengrante juice
1 banana
1 cup frozen raspberries and/or frozen bluberries.
Mix on food process for 20 to 30 seconds.
Sorry so long but so worth it!!!
Sadie at heymamas
January 27, 2010 at 3:22 pmHummus on just about any cracker or vegetable for sure. I also used to grab those mint chocolate chip Pria bars – the only protein bar I ever liked.
And MAN I so wish we had a Trader’s Joe’s. I covet them.
Sadie at heymamas
January 27, 2010 at 3:23 pmSorry for any typos…on his goddamn iPhone!!
Hate typing on it.
Sadie at heymamas
.-= Sadie at heymamas´s last blog ..Pure imagination =-.
Pamela Wright
January 27, 2010 at 3:28 pmSnacks, my favorite subject. I’m with pammer on the hummus. I have a great recipe for the one from California Pizza Kitchen if you want to make it yourself. Eat it with whole wheat pita or pre-cut veggies. My favorite snack at the moment is tart green apples dipped in peanut butter with a drizzle of chocolate syrup. I ate tons of Wasa crackers with Boars Head ovengold turkey while prego. Weight Watchers fudge bars are great for a treat. Oh and popcorn in the individually sized bags are a yummy fiber-filled snack.
Wondering what satsumas/cuties are that Amy mentioned?
January 27, 2010 at 3:34 pmWell look what just showed up in my reader…
January 27, 2010 at 3:35 pmMy favorite snack is a dip make of three parts peanut butter and four parts vanilla yogurt. Then slice up a great, tart apple and dip away!
.-= Artemisia´s last blog ..A Walt Witman Kind of Morning =-.
January 27, 2010 at 3:35 pmhummus!
also? my new favorite LOVE? trader joe’s pita bite crackers. oh MY are these crackers just not AMAZING.
those with either hummus or cheese. mmm.
wait. is that healthy?
ummm. edamame and also. i LOVE LOVE dried strawberries.
.-= kat´s last blog ..i’m heidi klumming your ass. =-.
January 27, 2010 at 3:37 pmI love the cocoa dusted almonds that come in individual-sized packs or non-individual-sized packs for more optimal snacking.
.-= Jennie´s last blog ..The Blathering Part Dos =-.
January 27, 2010 at 3:42 pmI love a good honeycrisp apple. Shelled pistachios. Also, Wasa crackers w/hummus or garlic Laughing Cow Cheese (you can have soft cheeses if they’re pasteurized, right?). Hmm, what else? Edamame with bacon-flavored sea salt on it (yumtown, hot or cold), and you know what else sounds good right now? Those caramel-flavored mini rice cakes. Oh so cliche, but tasty!
.-= Jamie´s last blog ..Creepy Much? =-.
Mama Bub
January 27, 2010 at 3:44 pmI’ve reached the all hungry, all the time point of this pregnancy, so I know of which I speak.
For me, it’s fruit. Well, it’s either that or the all cookie diet, but fruit seems to be working. We buy a TON of it, then I come home and cut it up and separate into containers so it’s ready to go at a moment’s notice.
Also, pretty much anything in the Trader Joe’s snack aisle – even though we’re quickly veering out of the healthy territory.
.-= Mama Bub´s last blog ..Reset =-.
January 27, 2010 at 4:07 pmI’ve always got a bag of half dry roasted almonds / half dried blueberries on my desk (both from the TJ’s nut aisle), TJ’s has whole wheat preztel sticks (eaten w/ or w/o peanut butter), CLEMENTINES (I never cared for them until I got pregnant. Now I’m on my third crate in as many weeks) and apples.
.-= HollyLynne´s last blog ..Bits for Bean =-.
C @ Kid Things
January 27, 2010 at 4:10 pmChocolate!
Oh, you said healthy. I go with some simple nuts or grapes.
.-= C @ Kid Things´s last blog ..On the Internet =-.
January 27, 2010 at 4:10 pmEdamame
String Cheese
Celery with Lauging Cow Cheese
Almonds with dried fruit (blueberries, cherries, cranberries, etc.)
Congrats on your pregnancy!
January 27, 2010 at 4:22 pmI’m 19 weeks & starving too. I could not live without a stash of Clif Kids organic Z bars (got a CASE of the chocolate brownie ones for Christmas from my husband).
Apples+peanut butter, too.
We make our own hummus (with either pesto or sundried tomatoes) & I eat that with wasa crispbread or okmok.
I have also been known to microwave 1/2 a sweet potato & snarf it down. And I’ve been a fool for cinnamon toast & Organic Valley chocolate milk (not together) this entire pregnancy.