How To Burn 1,000 Calories While Wii Boxing

You guys. Wito has taken Wii Boxing to an entirely new level.

If you choose to watch this clip, please take note of a few details.

1. The level of spastic boxing increases at every round. If you prefer a 5-second spaz summary, please check out the 1:30 mark. (But then you would miss the insightful commentary, such as “I’LL PUNCH HIM DOWN I’LL PUNCH HIM DOWN,” as well as his victory dance at the end. Your choice.)

2. I enjoy how he spends half the match staring at, well, I have no idea. Channeling some sort of boxing demigod?

3. Wito can do this for 30-45 minutes at a time. I have no idea how he can sustain that level of energy. (Oh, yeah! He’s five.)

After finishing the match, he sat down next to me and said, “Phew! That boxing is a better workout than your Pilates!”

It’s a close one, but I think he might be right.

  1. DynnaLou

    May 30, 2012 at 6:26 pm

    I just love this so much.. It actually made me laugh and I want to share it to my friends too.. Anyway, this is definitely a big help to be happy..

  2. Laura

    May 31, 2012 at 1:56 pm

    He is literally vibrating! So great. I need some of that energy.

  3. Ali

    June 1, 2012 at 6:45 pm

    Hilarious! My 5 year old has the same energy. If only I could bottle it. I must introduce this to him at once!

  4. regan

    June 11, 2012 at 9:11 pm

    Oh my word, I love kids. This video is awesome.