Hot Toddy Recipe?

Picture this. You spend all evening cooking your great grandmother’s grits for the OU-Texas watch party you will be attending in the morning, even going to bed early because the game starts at 9am, only to be woken up at 3am by your little one who is literally drowning in snot, and come to think of it, your head kind of hurts and your throat is feeling a little off, so you cancel your party plans, which makes you really sad because today, TODAY is the first day in Southern California that feels like fall and you were planning to wear your favorite jeans and a new sweater you bought at J. Crew’s final sale, but it doesn’t matter now since you will be covered in crusty boogers and snot for the rest of the weekend, but a thought occurs to you, well, more like a light at the end of tunnel, and you realize that a huge cheeseburger, fries and Oreo shake from Ruby’s is pretty much the ONLY thing that will make this day better, but when you tell your husband your brilliant plan, he says, “This country is headed into a depression. We can’t eat Ruby’s”, and you die a little on the inside because you have been diligently doing the 30 Day Shred for about a month now and by god, you deserve a damn cheeseburger, but suddenly your husband is the male version of Suze Orman.

(big breath)

So, you tell your husband that In-N-Out is pretty much the “poor man’s Ruby’s” and that eating their fine fare would hopefully not upset the delicate balance of our teetering country, and he agrees that yes, that would be fine, but then you realize that it’s only 3pm and your son won’t nap because he can’t breathe, so you hand him a huge lollipop and a Thomas the Train thing, plop him on the couch and try to figure out what in the hell you are going to do until dinner when you receive a Flickr comment from the lovely JenB that says you should definitely drink a hot toddy and you think, YES YES, that is the SALVATION I NEED, only to quickly realize that you don’t know what a hot toddy IS, although you have plenty of alcohol in your house, and then your second Oprah A-Ha™ moment of the day arrives and you think,  “I’ll ask the internet! They will give me a hot toddy recipe!”, only to realize that it’s Saturday and no one reads blogs on Saturday, but maybe, JUST MAYBE, someone out there will hear your pained cry for help.

Will you answer my prayers and tell me your favorite hot toddy recipe? PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD?

  1. Jennifer

    October 11, 2008 at 9:23 pm

    I’ve never been a big whiskey girl, so I’m all for Angella’s version.

    …and on behalf of Texans everywhere, HOOK ‘EM!


    a Red Raider looking to move up in the Top 20

  2. Stacy

    October 11, 2008 at 10:55 pm

    A hot toddy consists of honey, lemon, hot water and brandy. I prefer heavy on the honey….yummmmm deliciousness!

    Annkia nailed it.

    I’ve heard you can substitute whiskey for brandy…but I’m totally a brandy girl. Besides, it’s a magical drink..why mess with a good thing, right?

  3. Mia

    October 12, 2008 at 4:15 am

    Not to be rude, but your husband seriously said no to Ruby Tuesday’s but yes to your very pricey boots and other clothes? I am seriously confused on this.

    I think I would go for some rum and hot apple cider, but I’ve always heard whiskey for a cold.

    For one thing, it’s Ruby’s DINER, not Ruby Tuesdays. (Huge difference. HUGE.) Secondly, the whole comment was really a joke, as I don’t need to ask my husband “permission” to buy anything. (Why do you think I have eleventy billion freelance writing jobs? Hello, pricey boots!)

    Mmm, apple cider…

  4. abby

    October 12, 2008 at 5:21 am

    Sorry I don’t have a recipe for you. I was just wondering if you were an OU or TX fan? BOOMER SOONER! :)


    October 12, 2008 at 8:41 am

    Okay, this might be a little late, but my family is a huge believer in the medicinal value of the Hot Toddy. My grandfather, who owned about 5 or 6 bar and grills in Manhattan pefected a recipe which we still use until this day. If you take this right before bed, you will honestly sweat out whatever sickness if stuck in your body! Here you go:

    Coat the bottom of a coffee mug with honey while you are boiling water.
    Add a tablespoon of lemon juice.
    Add a shot of Irish Whiskey (although I’ve been told that pretty much any “brown” liquor works here)
    Add a clove or two.
    Fill the mug with boiling water but leave room at the top.
    Stir the whole concoction wtih a stick of cinnamon and let steep for about a minute.

    Also, your supposed to inhale the steam from the drink through your nose since it pretty much kills anything in it’s path!


  6. bishOp stu tu

    October 12, 2008 at 1:17 pm

    whOOrl gOOrl,

    I laughed my arse off at the Susie Orman comment…hOly crap that was funny.

    BTW, how shOUld we dress for the SOUP LINES my dear…? If I have to stand in a line for a cup of broth, it better be chicken nOOdle.

    We shOUld all strive to make it a LIVELY and FUN Depression…don’t you agree…?

    Also, tell Derbs that I’m so sorry that I lost his college trust money, and that I love him dearly. (click) (bang!)

    da bishOp

  7. Nate

    October 12, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    ooh, okay, so I learned how to make a hot toddy in Ireland. I was very, very ill, and the one they taught me how to make myself was a little complex, but it knocked me out for 16 hours and when I woke up, I felt like a HUNDRED BAZILLION DOLLARS.

    Heat up some whiskey in a pan, slowly, low heat.

    Throw some honey, lemon juice, and a couple cloves into a mug. Pour the whiskey over once it’s hot. They never used hot water, though I suppose you can do that if you’re not a fan of straight whiskey.

    If you’re a real badass you take a lemon slice and stick a bunch more cloves in it and use that to garnish the drink.

  8. caroline

    October 12, 2008 at 10:16 pm

    Oh mah gah – you effortlessly combined college football, alcohol, fall fashion, grits, cheese burgers, and the current economic recession into one wholly hilarious post! This is only one of the many reasons I adore you…and am counting down the minutes to our reunion in one week over good tunes, hot musicians & more said cocktails. Yesss.

    Thank you for making my arrival home from 7 hours of travel after a horrifying OU-Texas game a happier moment!

  9. Stacy

    October 13, 2008 at 11:19 am

    I am QUEEN of teh Hot Toddies. Up here in the NortLand, it gets stupid cold and the hot toddie will be the only thing that warms you up. It’s also delightful if you’ve got the throat funk — makes you feel better, promise.

    Set on the kettle and get:
    – your favourite mug
    – two jiggers of your favourite whiskey (I like Jameson)
    – a tablespoon of lemon juice or squeeze in a chunk of lemon
    – a tablespoon of honey
    – fill the rest of the mug with hot hot water
    – stir and enjoy

  10. BeachMama

    October 13, 2008 at 6:22 pm

    You got some good Toddy recipes, I use the same one as above, but I tend to stick with rum because that is what I always have on hand. Irish Whiskey is good too though :). Do tell which one you made.

  11. christine

    October 14, 2008 at 10:36 am
  12. Ariel

    October 17, 2008 at 9:28 am

    How was the toddy/hot drink/whatever :)?

  13. Nicky

    March 23, 2009 at 8:59 am

    What I’ve been doing and to me it tastes great

    in a regular coffee mug
    just under 1/4 cup lemon juice
    equal amount of honey
    1 shot of whiskey
    fill w/ boiling water
    stir and enjoy