Hooray for Invisalign!

I am a member of the Invisalign Advisory Board, and am receiving complimentary treatment. All opinions are fully my own. 

Operation Straight Teeth Alert! I just finished my last Invisalign tray (20 of 20), and am meeting with my orthodontist next week to discuss refinements. (Refinements are exactly what they sound like – additional trays to help refine any remaining adjustments that need to be made.)

However, I wanted to give you a quick looksie.


Can I just tell you how long it took me to find a relatively close-up photo of my teeth from before? It was hilarious – I spent an entire evening combing though my iPhoto archives, and all I found was this random iPhone selfie from years ago. I guess this girl doesn’t like to bust a toothy grin on many occasions. (Not for long!)

I am really happy so far, and the process has been a breeze. The 10 months flew by, and  it has been sooooo much easier than my first go-around with traditional metal brackets.

If you have always wanted straighter teeth, but aren’t interested in wearing traditional metal brackets (because you don’t want to be magically transported to junior high again), check out the smile assessment to see if you are a candidate. You can also visit Invisalign’s doctor locator to find a practitioner near you.


  1. Megan

    November 5, 2014 at 1:39 pm

    Your teeth look great!

    But, for real, what lip gloss are you wearing in the after photo? It’s so pretty!

    • whoorl

      November 5, 2014 at 3:48 pm

      Thank you! It’s the Plum Lip Sheer with the Lip Shine on top. Both from Beautycounter: http://bit.ly/1x4V4us

  2. Jill Will Run

    November 5, 2014 at 3:21 pm

    I’m so glad you posted this! I actually have my first Invisalign consultation in about 4 weeks. There’s no way I’m vain enough to do the metal brackets again, but if Invisalign can correct my tooth crookedness I’m on board!

  3. Jessica Tucker

    November 6, 2014 at 9:34 am

    Beautiful! I am on tray 15 of 44. I have already seen such a huge difference. It’s kind of the perfect orthodontic solution for this mommy. Love it! I