hair thursday makeover 24

Dude. I got a 70’s Ann Wilson Barracuda haircut and American Idol had TWO 70’s Heart performances last night.

Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

Discuss amongst yourselves while I introduce you to Nicol:


Nicol’s hair:

Naturally light reddish brown
A little dry, needs product to keep static at bay
Straight and relatively thick
Doesn’t mind short hair b/c it forces her to style it (husband likes it short as well)
Spends about 10 minutes styling with hair dryer and round brush
Doesn’t like the current shape of her hair


I like the corresponding colors for both hairstyles. If Nicol were to go with Option #1, I think she should add some blond highlights to her underlying light reddish brown color (similar to Michelle Williams’ color). Nicol is comfortable going short, and this cut would really complement her hair’s texture.

Option #2 would take some texturizing to get the bulk out, as well as razoring her ends for a flicked-out finish, and I definitely like the idea of a more vibrant red color like the photo. Her eyes would really pop.


Meet Kristin:


Kristin’s hair:

Dishwater blonde with highlights
Finely-textured and dry, a little bit of wave
Prefers longer hair but would consider collarbone-length
Doesn’t like her bangs
Uses a flat iron to smooth out


I think taking off a little of the length will really update Kristin’s look without losing too much of her hair. Both of these styles have soft, face-framing layers that will add shape and definition around her face, but the main difference is that Option #1 has piecey bangs cut around the front to blend in with the overall style.

What do you think?

  1. Spandrel Studios

    February 28, 2008 at 8:14 am

    Both options for Nicol would be great choices – although the Cynthia Nixon one would require a little growing out before she could do it, no? But I agree a vibrant red would work wonders.

    For Kristin, my vote is for the piecey bangs – lovely!

  2. Alyce

    February 28, 2008 at 8:27 am

    Your readers are almost universally attracted to longer hair. hmmm

    Yes, I’ve noticed that as well. Safer, I suppose.

  3. angie

    February 28, 2008 at 8:32 am

    Dude, I noticed the Heart songs on Idol, too, and I thought of you. If it weren’t for you, I never would have heard of Heart, I must confess.

  4. Jummy

    February 28, 2008 at 9:07 am

    As of the time of my posting, the votes for both are very close! I wonder what style will win out in both cases.

  5. glamgranola

    February 28, 2008 at 9:20 am

    I too was going to say that your readers prefer long hair. I like to think I throw the polls a little tiny bit.

    I’m torn for Nicol though. I love the color of option 2, but the cut of option one… I voted SHORT!

  6. Swistle

    February 28, 2008 at 9:26 am

    I think the shorter version in choice #1 would be too short to carry off. I think the bangs in choice #2 need a higher forehead. Ms. Opinions, signing off.

  7. kat

    February 28, 2008 at 9:42 am

    I voted for #1 for Nicol b/c she’s got that pretty european french vibe going in her facial features and I think a shorter look could really complement that well!

  8. Tricia

    February 28, 2008 at 10:08 am

    I think Option 1 would look great on Nicole! She has the perfect face for it.

  9. Steff

    February 28, 2008 at 11:48 am

    Just found your site and was wondering if you have a minute to address my dilemma of “how to find a hair stylist i can commit to”.

    I live in the Fort Worth TX area and have access to lots of Salons on both ends of the dollar spectrum. I usually do not mind paying $60 + or – for a haircut because it is one of the fews treats in life I really do enjoy.

    I wish I knew why but I cannot commit to a stylist – either I am not communicating my hair style wants correctly or they are not very personable. So I stay for a few cuts thinking it is just me and then I dump them in pursuit of something bettter. Please give any advise you might like to share. Also, do you prefer a specific line of products vs another or do you think its just what works for the hair type?

  10. Mel

    February 28, 2008 at 5:26 pm

    I voted #1 for Nicol because I really loved that hair cut on Michelle Williams and I think it would look fantastic on Nicol. If she was a little scared to go that short, she can get a similar cut that’s a tad longer. :)
    Option 2 might take a little growing out, but I would love the color.

  11. Danielle

    February 28, 2008 at 4:29 pm

    Both polls have been relatively close all day! It’s like the race for the Democratic nomination! (Seriously, who’d have thought I’d get to cast a meaningful vote in Mississippi on March 11?)

  12. Casey

    February 28, 2008 at 7:27 pm

    I like for Nicol option 1 for the cut & option2 for the color!!
    For Kristin’s hair optioon #1 all the way..cut & color!!

  13. Stella

    February 29, 2008 at 9:21 am

    sorry this has nothing to do with hair thursdays…! i want to start the couch to 5k program and wonder if anyone has any tips. i also love the idea of the podcast you followed but couldnt access it through your blog. how/where do i find that? help a chunky sistah out!

  14. Miss Britt

    February 29, 2008 at 10:50 am

    Anyone who can pull off that super short pixie cut should!

    And the bangs on the second one – so cute. Bangs on people with straight hair does WONDERS.

  15. ikate

    March 1, 2008 at 11:17 am

    Whoorl, I love this site dearly and have always enjoyed the Hair Thursday feature, but “husband likes it short as well” – that really ticks me off! Who cares what he likes!! It’s not his hair. I’m sorry – I know that was an innocent comment, but she should cut her hair in a way that she likes and feels good in, not because it’s something that he likes. I’ve had hair lengths from very very short to middle of my back and every time it’s above my shoulderß I hear comments like “I love your hair but my husband would kill me if I cut it THAT short”…like short hair makes you less of a woman. Guess it’s a huge pet-peeve of mine.