Five Things

1. What is going on with women’s disposable razors these days? Neon colors! Glitter! Tropical scents! Who in the hell needs a disposable razor that smells like jasmine? Really, people? Is a scented razor handle truly going to take your showering experience to the next level? Will you breathe in its intoxicating scent between razor strokes? I’ll tell you what I’d like my disposable razor to do. How about SHAVE MY LEGS PROPERLY. I’m on to you, Women’s Disposable Razor Companies. Distract the consumer with bells and whistles to mask the fact that your razors are sucky. Best disposable razor I’ve ever used? Gillette Good News Plus. About as cheap as you can get, and they work like a smooth, nick-free charm.

2. Do you have an item/items of clothing that you hold onto for absolutely no reason? I have 6 pairs of J. Crew Everyday Chinos that sit year after year in a bin at the top of my closet. There’s certainly nothing wrong with J. Crew chinos, yet I haven’t worn them for 5 years now, and I don’t really see myself wearing them in the near future, so why can’t I just get rid of them? It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries. (Update: In a bag, ready for Goodwill today. Patting myself on back.)

3. I think my desperate hopes of Wita going through a developmental spurt for the past FOUR weeks need to be put to rest. Let’s get real, it’s looking like my child has an attitude problem. (Although, teething? Could it be teething? She still only has her two bottom teeth at almost 13 months old. Teeth, right? PLEASE LET IT BE THE TEETH. Why is she so unhappy all the tiiiiiime…it’s a good thing she’s kind of adorable.)

4. It’s fair to say that we need to lay off the grilling, made evident by the ridiculous indigestion I dealt with until midnight Sunday night. (Sarah’s body – Not another juicy piece of animal NOOOOOOOOO.) Also, running out of propane mid-grilling is slightly distressing, evidenced by D’s face.

When I mentioned it on Twitter/Instagram, five friends responded that the same thing had happened to them that same evening. Coincidence? I think not. Gas/Charcoal Conspiracy!

5. Please tell me your children have quirky fashion preferences. Wito has an aversion to buttons on his pants or shorts, yet he’s approaching the size where it’s becoming increasingly harder to find stylish pants donning stretchy waistbands.  (We are officially in Boy sizing. Hold me.) At first, I wondered if it was a tactile issue, but alas, no. His reasoning for why he hates buttons? They aren’t “cool,” so he prefers not to look at them. But elastic waistbands ARE, Wito? Whose child are you? According to my official fashion rules, males can wear elastic-waist pants if they are younger than 5 or older than 85. We’ve got a lot to work on, kid.


  1. Maura

    July 19, 2011 at 9:44 am

    Could you change buttons on some clothes to be “cooler” buttons? Maybe find some Cars buttons and ease him into the world of grown-up pants.

    Cars buttons:

    dinosaur buttons:

  2. Danielle (elleinadspir)

    July 19, 2011 at 9:52 am

    Bonham won’t wear any shirt with a collar, or buttons, or that he can feel from the inside (so no large designs unless they can’t be felt) and tags have to be carefully cut out. And of course, pull on pants. Thank god for Boden. We lived in the shorts all summer, now time to try the pants. Last year he found the lined ones “too thick” for his liking – but there are thinner ones I will try this year. Here is the link – http://www.bodenusa.com/en-US/Boys-Trousers-Jeans.html

  3. Sarah

    July 19, 2011 at 9:54 am

    My three year old has been wearing the same pair of Osh Kosh overalls every.single.day for 6 months. I was stupid and didn’t think to buy another pair while they were still in stock at Target and on sale. I’m an idiot. I think the other parents/kids/teachers at his school must think we are CRAZY lazy parents who dress him in the same pants every day. They haven’t seen the fits he pitches when we attempt to dress him in something else. Ha.

    He has a drawer full of elastic waist pants and shorts, which look adorable on him, that he refuses to wear. Where to find? Try Lands End, they have several pairs even in kid sizes. Buy on sale and you are set since they last forever and a day. They sell them year round in different weights according to the season (for places that have seasons).

  4. joslyn

    July 19, 2011 at 11:02 am

    you are not alone my friend…not only are we having “button” issues, but the seams on socks…holy hell, you’d think i was dipping their toes in hot lava.

    getting the girlies dressed for school in the mornings is a world of pain. i try to meditate through it. it occasionally works…


  5. Mary Sue

    July 19, 2011 at 11:36 am

    I did the same thing with my J. Crew chinos last week! I pulled out a whole half of my closet which includes things I never wear – work pants from 2002, skirts that don’t fit and I have no reason to wear, and chinos. I was going to get rid of all of them and then put every last pair right back. Your post may have given me the inspiration I need!

  6. Jen

    July 19, 2011 at 12:24 pm

    OH. OH! Maggie won’t wear polo-type shirts with buttons/collars. She says they are ‘boy shirts’. Someone at school must have told her that. She has a couple of adorable ones with sparkles and they are pink and DEFINITELY not boy shirts. But still. She will not wear them UNLESS I button all of the buttons to the top. Then, apparently, they are acceptable as a Girl Shirt.

    Shoot me now. Please.

  7. Mama Bub

    July 19, 2011 at 1:00 pm

    No, no, no. I refuse to believe that this change in attitude in my baby is attributable to anything but teething. For a solid month! Yes! Am not in denial!

  8. whoorl

    July 19, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    Mama Bub (and anyone else who might be in the same boat),

    I just returned from the pediatrician, where it was confirmed that my child seems to be in perfect health, and that she is more than likely a “pistol.” This became fairly evident as she threw an epic tantrum (FOR NO APPARENT REASON) and smacked me in the face while discussing behavior with the doctor.

    My child is an asshole. It is now medically proven.

    (Although, in Wita’s defense, her top two teeth are days away from breaking through, according to the doc.)

    (See that denial creeping back in?)

  9. Sarah

    July 19, 2011 at 3:05 pm

    My 19 month old is verrrrry strong willed. Has been from the very start. To refrain from calling her bad names, I say she’s a very strong “self advocate”.

  10. Carrie Giebelhaus

    July 19, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    This is the best list of five things I’ve ever read. Hold ME

  11. martymankins

    July 19, 2011 at 4:51 pm

    I’ve run out of propane many times. I love to BBQ in the summer and when you’ve got meat on the grill that still needs cooking, running to the store to get a refill is not fun. I now have an extra tank that sits in the shed, which gets rotated when the first one goes empty. Worth the 5 mins is takes to do the swap.

  12. Sarcomical

    July 19, 2011 at 5:46 pm

    hear, hear!! on the razors. i have been cut and burned and stung by almost every single razor marketed for women out there lately. the only one i’ve found recently that didn’t make me cringe? the gillette hydro disposable my husband loaned me on a trip. so…i may have to give the one you mentioned a try.

    and hey, i can get behind wito’s love for elastic. i mean, i pull my stretchy pants on as soon as possible every evening. …although him insisting the buttons aren’t “cool” must be corrected before he falls into a kevin federline fashion phase.

  13. Erin

    July 19, 2011 at 6:44 pm

    We are in the same boat with a 6 year old who refuses to wear pants with buttons. In his case it is a fear of accidents because he leaves going to the bathroom until the last possible second and can’t take the chance that a button will slow him down.

    We shop at Children’s Place for elastic waisted rugby/cargo pants that look ok.

  14. Siera

    July 19, 2011 at 7:58 pm

    As a mom I hate coordinated sweat pant outfits! He owns zilch! And will as long as I still I do his shopping.I only bought him some sweat pants for potty training. I am denim girl and I clearly passed this trait onto my son when he asked to wear jeans to bed the other night. I couldn’t deny him.

  15. sarah

    July 20, 2011 at 3:42 am

    I am dreading back to school shopping since Lance now has fashion preferences that are different than mine, fortunately he still likes buttons, sorry, I hope he gets past this before winter of he might just be in sweats.