Are You Ready To Happy a Face in OKC?

This post is sponsored by Shari’s Berries. Thanks for supporting this site!

How cool is this? Shari’s Berries asked me to be involved in their new #happyAface campaign promoting the spreading of joy and cheer through thoughtful gestures in the Oklahoma City area. Spreading happiness around OKC? I’m your girl. I’m still learning the ins and outs, but the company has started the hashtag #happyAface to use in your social media posts. (If you follow me on Instagram, you will see this hashtag on some of my photos in the upcoming month.) What makes you happy? Family, friends, food? Well, hashtag it with #happyAface and be entered to win some delicious treats. (Shari’s Berries will be drawing names of fellow Okies that use the hashtag 3 times per week, and are planning to giveaway 25 gifts a week.)

Here at the Whoorl household, our sweet treats are limited to two categories, chocolate and fruit, so as you can imagine, these are a dream around here.


The spirit of the #happyAface campaign is to inspire people to make the world a happier place, one face at a time, by making happy gestures towards one another.

I’ll start. We got a little surprise in the mail this week.


The suspense was killing them.




This is their “pleeeeaaase can I have one right now” look. Happy faces, if I do say so myself.


I even broke my no-sugar rule and tried one myself. Hey, everything in moderation, right? YUM.

Obviously, the berries were a happy moment this week, but so many other moments have been happy-making too. My grandmother’s 88th birthday party. The kids cracking up while chasing squirrels at the park. A really awesome yoga class. I’m going to make it a point to happy a face at least once a day, and maybe share some of my best ones with you over the next month via my Instagram account and Facebook page. I love the idea of making OKC a happier place, one face at a time. So join the movement and post pictures of what makes you happy using the hashtag #happyAface. What say you, Oklahoma Citians? Are you in? Let’s see your happy!

This post is sponsored by Shari’s Berries. Thanks for supporting this site!

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One thought on “Are You Ready To Happy a Face in OKC?
  1. natalie

    November 1, 2014 at 12:07 pm

    Happy A Face is an awesome idea. I think I’ll give it a go in the OC. Thanks for the idea. xo