A Plea for Internet Help

Dear Internets,

Am I crazy?


Ya’ll, I really want to tell you about our 1,500-mile road trip from last week, but my GOCD (Germ Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is going to take precedence today.

As you know, I have been dealing with The Sickness, passed so gingerly along over the holidays by my father, Bishop Stu Tu. And as much as I would like to kick him so gingerly in the ass, he sold me my mother’s Lexus for an astoundingly low price during said holiday visit. So, you’re off the hook, DAD.

I had to purchase a vehicle because one of the perks of being a pharmaceutical rep is a company car, and we all know I am no longer employed as a pharmaceutical rep. Hence, no car. And while we’re on the subject, let’s discuss the other things I lost by quitting my job; you know, to give me one more brief panic attack.

1. A six-figure salary
2. Free 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee
3. Free car insurance
4. Free gas
5. Health insurance
6. Freedom to plan my day as I please
7. Limited face-to-face contact with my boss (4 times/year)
8. Company Amex to buy treats and such
9. Free health advice from physicians, which really complements my GOCD

Wait, I think I’m having a heart attack.

Ok, I’m good. No wait.

Ok, yeah. Breathing.

But HEY, let’s not dwell on those things! Let’s talk about what I gain!

1. Wito! Wito! Wito!
2. Pajamas all day long if I please
3. No more corporate bullshit meetings
4. Long daily walks to the beach
5. No more physician ass-kissing
6. Hanging out with SAJ at the park
7. The time to focus on little things I enjoy (cooking! photography! blogging!)
8. A purpose
9. Did I mention Wito! Wito! Wito!?

Feeling better now.

Anyhoo, I have been more than mildly obsessed with The Sickness taking a hold of little Wito. To the point of not touching him since last Friday morning.


I haven’t touched, nor been within 5 feet of him for the past 5 days. D has done literally everything- feeding, cleaning, and playing- this entire time. Which is truly a great thing for two reasons- 1) wow, what a great dad he is and 2) he now knows exactly what I’m talking about when I’m dropping dead from exhaustion at the end of the day. I can’t tell you what vindication I felt when he peeked his head into the bedroom a couple of nights ago and said, “This is REALLY hard. I’m exhausted by 7:00!”

Cue clouds parting, angels singing and the beautiful sunlight filling the room.

YES! He gets it!

The tremendous help from D had to end when he returned to work yesterday. Luckily, I had the nanny to help around the house while I met with my boss to give him my notice. That was until she called me mid-meeting to tell me she was hurling all over my house. Oh, and apparently, diarrheaing (surely, not a word) explosively as well. OMG. Luckily, it was a menstrual situation – um yes, ladies, she vomits and experiences not fun GI issues every month when her period starts. Certainly not fun, but at least not some scary rotavirus that would have thrown me over the edge.

This led to the dilemma. How am I going to take care of this child without getting him sick? I know you all are out there yelling at the screen to get over myself and just DEAL with the germs. I hear you, but HEY, I’m a new mom! Cut me some slack!

So, I went to Rite Aid. And bought surgical masks. And wore them around the house like a crazy person. And managed to scare the shit out of my son when we awoke from his peaceful slumber to see this looking down at him.


Please don’t even get me started on the foggy-glasses syndrome. It seems the hot, germy breath rising from my mask fogs my glasses. This causes an array of additional problems, namely tripping over objects and running into walls.

Hmmm. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, am I crazy?

  1. Angella

    January 3, 2007 at 1:56 pm

    You’re HILARIOUS. And maybe a little crazy :)

  2. Alicat

    January 3, 2007 at 2:20 pm

    OHMYGAH. Cannot. Stop. Laughing. At. YOU. :)

  3. Jamie

    January 3, 2007 at 2:26 pm

    You are a little crazy, but it’s all fueled by love, so who cares? Any one of us would be doing the same damn thing if we were to walk a mile in your shoes. :) Good luck with the big decision!

  4. Elizabeth

    January 3, 2007 at 3:07 pm

    Sigh, Whoorl, I missed reading you. I’m so glad that you are crazy. It makes me feel better about myself. (ha! you are not alone)

  5. Sarah

    January 3, 2007 at 3:10 pm

    If it makes you feel any better you probably aren’t contagious anymore. Most viruses and bacteria are contagious before you show symptoms or in the very beginning of the illness. I hope your little one stays well and enjoy your new job.

  6. rebecca

    January 3, 2007 at 3:20 pm

    I understand where you are coming from… but you might want to dial it back a tad before Anders starts crawling, because OMG, the things they get into then will freak you out even worse! (OK, I probably shouldn’t have brought that up. Sorry.)

    But anyway, the photo of you with the fogged-up glasses is the funniest thing ever. I love how OCD you are.

  7. SAJ

    January 3, 2007 at 3:24 pm

    oh man. I miss you. and I’m afraid you’ll never want to hang out with us at the park again….because little miss thing seems to have a permanent snotty nose, not to mention so do all the other kids there! aaaaaagh!

  8. Heather

    January 3, 2007 at 3:36 pm

    Poor little Anders. Nobody should have to wake up to that but reading about it was hilarious. I hope to see as many baby at the beach pics as SAJ. Hope The Sickness departs soon.

  9. nabbalicious

    January 3, 2007 at 3:45 pm

    No, you aren’t crazy at all. But…can I have your job prettypleasethankyou? Sure, I have no experience. But I have a winning personality sometimes!

    Haha, love that picture!

  10. cj4

    January 3, 2007 at 4:08 pm

    This GOCD must come from the S side of the family, not the J side. After all, when I was 2, my mom used to stick me in a cardboard box outside in the winter to help “build my immune system” and I never get sick.

    K and I, in turn, are one step away from having Miss M eat out of the dog bowl while quaffing toilet water from her sippy cup. And to what success, you ask?

    Sure, there was the 3 day stay in the hospital last June for the flu, but who can stop the flu? And then there’s the skin issues and coke bottle glasses at 10 months, but we chalk that up to genes. The helmet for the wonky shaped head? Bah, we like to think that’s because she was such a good sleeper.

    But, hey: no colds!


    Now, when are you bringing that sweet little boy over to play?

  11. Emily

    January 3, 2007 at 5:48 pm

    DAMMIT! Where is the picture of the Lexus? I will post a picture of my hot mom ride if you post one of yours.

    Also, check your email! I am sending you something.

  12. Nancy

    January 3, 2007 at 5:57 pm

    Um, yes sweetie, you are. HA!

  13. Jenifer

    January 3, 2007 at 7:57 pm

    You need to get the masks that pinch at the nose. It stops the fogging on the glasses, this advice comes from my sister the nurse in training and proud four-eyed freak!

    I can see your point of view of being germaphobic around a baby. Their immune system is still developing and they need to get stronger. So, I’m in your fan club, “Whoorl Against Germs”!

  14. Irish Mistery

    January 3, 2007 at 8:10 pm

    Too funny….hey, can I have your old job? HA

  15. Lyndsay

    January 3, 2007 at 1:22 pm

    LOL! I cannot stop laughing. The picture. It would scare me if I woke up to that. I seriously can’t catch my breath I am laughing so hard.