A New Baby — First Time vs. Second Time

First Time:

Breastfeeding is done in the privacy of my bedroom – complete with a perfectly-placed My Brest Friend pillow, a brand new pink Bravado nursing tank and an online breastfeeding log.

Second Time:

Breastfeeding is done at my kitchen table – baby is in a one-armed cradle hold while I eat a Chipotle Carnitas bowl while donning a ratty, stained tee pulled up to my shoulders.

First Time:

A week after delivery, I’m physically feeling a little pep in my step.

Second Time:

A week after delivery, I feel as though my pelvic floor will fall out of my body if I so much as sneeze.

First Time:

Completely sleep deprived and exhausted.

Second Time:

Completely sleep deprived and exhausted with a three-year-old who is most decidedly NOT sleep deprived and exhausted.

First Time:

Could spend hours staring at my sweet, sleeping baby.

Second Time:

Yeah. That one pretty much hasn’t changed.

(Looking at Wito’s newborn photos, it’s uncanny how much these two resemble each other. Siblings FTW!)

What about you? What am I forgetting, first time/second time-wise?

  1. Angella

    July 5, 2010 at 9:40 am

    Can’t answer the question – too busy sighing over the beautiful sleeping babies.
    .-= Angella´s last blog ..There’s A Hole In My Heart =-.

  2. andrea

    July 5, 2010 at 9:52 am

    Darling! The second time around is a trip. It is amazing how anal I was about everything with Charlie and with Lu things just happened and eventually everything fell into a pretty laid back pace.

  3. Jammer

    July 5, 2010 at 9:53 am

    they look like the same baby! and, so quiet but for some reason I think the quiet thing could be misleading…
    .-= Jammer´s last blog ..Flashbacks and JELL-O =-.

  4. jora

    July 5, 2010 at 9:56 am

    First Time: consulting The Baby Book over each and every hiccup, sneeze, poop, etc.

    Second Time: lucky to make it to the Well Baby appointments on time.
    .-= jora´s last blog ..Please Meet My FriendRomesco =-.

  5. Trinity(of haiku tofu)

    July 5, 2010 at 10:00 am

    They look so much alike! Aww, a little girl who is as cute as Wito? That’s gonna be too much!
    .-= Trinity(of haiku tofu)´s last blog ..Red Coconut Curry with Tangy Tempeh =-.

  6. Melissa

    July 5, 2010 at 10:08 am

    Yep, it’s crazy with two, but it’s also very very awesome. For me, the newborn part was SO much easier in a lot of ways compared to dealing with a 3-yr old!

    First time around: baby was on a by-the-book sleeping schedule.

    Second time around: schedule? sleep? Oh shit, hang on while I get your older brother out of the spice cupboard…

    Enjoy those two beautiful children, there’s nothing like watching your kids discover each other and start interacting!

  7. emily bilbrey

    July 5, 2010 at 10:09 am

    beautiful! her hairline is amazing – such lovely intricate swirls!

    i already know that if i have a second baby, things will be different next time. they have to be! i think it’s pretty inevitable. i love the comparisons you made in this post – can’t wait to hear more of your story as a mama of two (and of course, to see more photos of your lovely new girl!)


    Actually, the first photo is of Wito!

    .-= emily bilbrey´s last blog ..wordless wednesday- number twenty-five arriving soon – uff da 20- =-.

  8. Mama Bub

    July 5, 2010 at 10:10 am

    How is it that the three year old is SO MUCH HARDER than the newborn?! Makes me wonder why I ever thought this was so hard the first time around.

    And the sneeze fear, I hear you loud and clear. Four weeks later I’m still a little bit afraid.
    .-= Mama Bub´s last blog ..The Fourth- Three Times =-.

  9. Danielle (elleinadspir)

    July 5, 2010 at 10:45 am

    We were looking at pics last night and B commented how much she looks like Wito. So cute!!
    .-= Danielle (elleinadspir)´s last blog ..Food Glorious Food – Part 12 Okie Caviar =-.

  10. SAJ

    July 5, 2010 at 10:53 am

    Wow. They do look alike. Disregard my “She looks like D!” comment earlier. Shows you what I know.

    She looks so darling and sweet. Deep sighs of envy over here :)
    .-= SAJ´s last blog ..15 minute post =-.

  11. Rachel Shingleton

    July 5, 2010 at 11:26 am

    Sweet little baby girl! I love it!

    Hmm, no advice here as we are still in the only-child era. My sincere hope is that I will be so much calmer the second time around in everything. I was such a spazz from the second I peed on a stick til he turned 6 months old.

  12. Tina

    July 5, 2010 at 11:54 am

    I’ve got just one…who is 3, so I cannot imagine juggling another one while dealing with all his energy. She really is a beautiful little bambino. Would love to know how to pronounce her name? Did I miss that answer?
    Hope you are getting rest and feeling well.

    Her name is pronounced ‘muh-LOO’. :)

  13. Kim

    July 5, 2010 at 12:33 pm

    The first time: The first year seemed/felt like it was never going to end.

    The second time: Where the hell did the first year go????

  14. Elyse

    July 5, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    The breastfeeding one cracked me up! It is so true.
    How about:

    First Time: Dress to go out in full makeup and cute outfit so no one will think that you are anything less than SuperMom.

    Second time: Big props to whoever invented black yoga pants. The mom uniform you can sleep, workout, and run errands in.

  15. bethany actually

    July 5, 2010 at 1:22 pm

    I already feel like my pelvic floor might fall out with every sneeze, and I’m only 18 weeks along. :-) She really does look like Wito!
    .-= bethany actually´s last blog ..Happy 4th of July- =-.