Tea Giveaway Winner and Baby Gym Advice

Hello, out there! Happy holiday weekend to you all!

First things first, the winner of the Tea Collection giveaway is Leah.

Congratulations, Leah! You’ll be hearing from me shortly.

Also, I have a new post up at Babble about baby gym classes. If you have done your time at these type of classes, let’s reminisce together, and if you’re thinking of signing your child up for the first time, I’ve got tips. Many tips. (To my seasoned baby gym peeps, did I forget anything?)

Have a great extended weekend, everyone. We’ll be swimming, grilling and drinking ice cold beers with plenty of lime and salt. See you next week.


One thought on “Tea Giveaway Winner and Baby Gym Advice
  1. Leah

    September 3, 2011 at 6:18 pm

    I’m so excited, I’ve never won a contest before and this is such a good one to win!