The Wishing Tree

The Huggies Every Little Bottom team featured a wishing tree activity in their suite at the EVO conference a few weeks ago in Salt Lake City. Attendees were encouraged to share wishes for babies, whether their own or babies in general. Some were hilarious, some were tender, and some were even a little heart-breaking.”I wish that all babies wake up with a smile on their face every morning,” and “I wish for each house to have a stack of children’s books” were a few hanging from the tree.

How about a wish that all sweet, rosy-cheeked babies have clean and dry diapers on their little bums? Once again, something many of us take for granted, but remember, 1 in 3 American families have had to deal with diaper need. So many families aren’t able to provide their babies with clean disposable diapers, and are forced to clean out and reuse soiled diapers. The Huggies Every Little Bottom Program has partnered with local diaper banks and national organizations (such as Feeding America) to raise awareness, generate support, and most importantly get diapers into the hands of the families that need them.

As a reminder, here are some ways YOU can make that wish come true. Learn more about how you can become involved in your community at EveryLittleBottom.com. Find out where you can donate diapers locally, attend a diaper drive event or even host your own diaper drive.

Clean and dry diapers for all babies. Sounds like a pretty great thing, right? Okay, since it’s Monday, and we’ve all decided that helping to eradicate diaper need is the wish with TOP billing, how about we start the week off right with some lighthearted wishes for our kids?


Wish #1 – I wish that Wito would STOP KNOCKING HIS TEETH OUT. (Yep, he knocked out tooth #3 last Wednesday. 3 teeth in 4 years. Aye CARUMBA.)

Wish #2 – I wish that Wita would stop throwing 85% of her soggy, half-chewed food on the floor at every meal. But you already knew that.

There you go! My less important, yet PLEASE COME TRUE wishes. Now you!

Disclosure: I have partnered with the Huggies® brand to help promote Huggies® Every Little Bottom program.  I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program, which includes writing about my family’s own experiences from my son/daughter’s point of view, and/or their experiences with diapers.  However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.


  1. Courtney

    July 25, 2011 at 6:23 pm

    I want my kid to stop whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiining. Seriously, where did it come from? Last week he was happy and sweet and now the only way he can convey he wants something is in the most obnoxious whining tone. It’s driving me nuts, especially since my husband is out of town!

    P.S. On a somewhat related note, I REALLY wish he would stop pooping in the tub. Or at least wait until my husband gets back.

  2. whoorl

    July 25, 2011 at 6:47 pm

    Courtney, Wita just started pooping in the tub. It’s KILLING ME. ;)

  3. Mama Bub

    July 25, 2011 at 9:56 pm

    You need a dog. Dogs handle most of the half-chewed up on the floor business. Unless it’s broccoli. Even the dog knows better.

  4. Catherine

    July 26, 2011 at 6:35 am

    I wish my daughter Sarah would quit having the attitude of a 16 year old (she’s not even 2 yet).

    How did Wito knock another tooth out?