Update — Shuchita

Here’s an update from Shuchita!

Hey Sarah,

It’s been ages since you posted suggestions from me (volume 3.25) and after weeks of deliberating I finally went in for a slightly shorter version of the Penelope Cruz style. It’s super-easy to maintain (I air dry it 99% of the times) and can be “neatened” with a hair-band or pony-tail.

Thank you so much for the suggestions, I think once you posted aboutt me, it was like throwing my hat over the fence. I couldn’t keep sitting after all those people took the time out to vote !! Maybe once I muster up some more courage, I’ll try the rolled under bob – but right now, I’m happy with this.


Thanks, Shuchita! (I love your tunic, by the way.)

  1. kat

    April 12, 2010 at 2:51 pm

    she has such LOVELY hair. and it still looks so pretty!

  2. Nerida

    April 14, 2010 at 6:39 pm

    Shuchita, you have beautiful hair, but it looks like you went for a longer version of the Penelope Cruz cut. I think you need to cut another few inches off your longest layers.