Cross-Front Sundress

Guess what? I’m going to Kauai in ten days! This development happened in the blink of an eye and I might be breathing into a paper bag right now, but I’m thrilled beyond belief.

D and I never had a true honeymoon. (I know what you are thinking…we got married in Hawaii, for Christ’s sake. However, we had family with us the entire time. Is that a honeymoon, I ask? IS IT? MOST CERTAINLY NOT.) We really need this right now.

So, Hawaii. This puts a little bit of a damper on my No Shopping Mandate, as my two bathing suit bottoms look like I took a dump in them. A little baggy in the rear department, thanks to a combination of worry and Jillian Michaels. I need a new bathing suit, some bathing suit coverups and maybe a new pair of flip flops.

In a Daddy Warbucks-attempt to make my February blues disappear, my most wonderful father presented me with a check for $300. I am going to use this money to fund my Hawaii wardrobe…reporting everything to you in the process.

Luckily, I have found my two bathing suit coverups for cheap!


$15, Old Navy

I don’t think this was made to be a bathing suit coverup, but it’s perfect. Super lightweight cotton and ideal for drinks by the pool. I also am buying this in black with my 30% Give and Get promotion…let’s tally it up!

Purple dress: $15 (on sale)

Black dress: $19.50

Total (with 30% off): $24.15 + tax

I also ordered 7,650 bathing suits from J. Crew yesterday in hopes to find ONE that fits. I can’t wait to return approximately 22 pieces to my local store. They will LOVE me.


hair thursday makeover 60

This is Tessa.

Tessa’s hair:

Naturally medium brown
Very thick, but fine
Normal condition
Needs length for ponytails for sports
Hates styling her hair
Uses no products

Tessa. Please don’t kick my ass (she plays rugby), but if you don’t use products and/or don’t try to style your hair, it will look like those photos FOREVER AND EVER. I wish I could wave my magic wand and give you great, effortless hair, but that ain’t the way the cookie crumbles.

I think taking some of the bulk out of your hair would work wonders. Same for using a product or two – you could really reduce frizziness and promote a healthy shine.

I think this would be a great look for Tessa.


A few inches off the bottom and medium-to-long layers cut throughout will help eradicate the poufy look, BUT she needs to have those layers texturized by her stylist. I like the faux-bangs – enough to give the cut added style, but easy to pull back while playing sports.

Most importantly, PRODUCT. A smoothing serum would work wonders on Tessa’s hair. As always, don’t forget about my favorite, Frederic Fekkai Glossing Cream. A tiny dollop of that miracle product would give Tessa more shine than she’s ever experienced.

Do any of you have a smoothing serum that you just adore? Do tell!


Painting with Picasso

I am anxiously awaiting the day when I can write about my life like the good ol’ days. Remember those posts? Yeah, that was nice.

However, I’m not quite there yet. In the meantime, let me introduce you to Whoorlito, Child of the Steel Trap Memory.

A couple of notes:

1. This video was filmed in January when Wito was 29 months old. Forgive me, as I’m obviously grasping for blog material.

2. This video is also a reminder that I was a complete ass for cutting his hair off last month. Give me that precious hair back!

3. Wito memorizes books after reading them for one day. It’s uncanny and blows my mind.

4. It also makes me feel rather stupid.

5. I’ve included the words from the book so you can follow along at your pleasure. Enjoy.

Painting with Picasso from whoorl on Vimeo.

painting with picasso

an artist paints people in all different places
and captures the feelings that show in their faces
a young girl catches a dove in flight
she’ll keep him safe and hold him tight
a serious boy steers a donkey around
this sad boy is dressed like a happy clown
an acrobat balances a ball, while a strongman wonders if she’ll fall
another man’s limbs are in a tangle, with arms and legs at the oddest angle
a woman rests during a dreamy nap
a mother plays a with a babe in her lap
with eyes looking sideways a nails painted red, this woman is telling a joke in her head
and here is the artist who’s captured it all – the faces, the places, the girl on the ball.
with each stroke of his brush, each color and line, he paints a picture of a moment in time.