Odds and Ends

1. Love these photos of identical twins. (Did you know my mom is one?)

2. Ooh, this rings so true with me about influencer engagement. Keep it authentic, people. #cheaters

3. Haha, birds do scare the shit out of me sometimes.

4. Okay. Two t-shirts will be on constant rotation this spring and summer. This one. (Did you see it monogrammed with my name?) And this one. #suckerforringertees #igotthepinkone #soinlove

5. What an amazing donor. This made me so happy.

6. We linked to this article on our Selfie Podcast Facebook page, and it struck a chord with many. So good.

7. White people simply don’t understand the trauma of viral police-killing videos.

8. What do you know? Teens stopped using conventional beauty products and the toxic chemicals in their bodies plummeted. #greenbeauty


10. Who wants to hop on the nostalgia train? If you grew up in the 80s, this will take you way back.

11. I’ve got a great spring makeup giveaway going on – enter here! (Details and my opinions on all the products are here.)

12. On this week’s Selfie Episode, Kristen and I share our favorite crap snacks, as well as a great interview with Laura Mayes on being present.

Happy weekend to you all! Easter festivities and the Final Four are top billing for us. #rockchalk

image credit: bel mathilde 

  1. Kate

    March 30, 2018 at 1:37 pm

    I think #10 is the wrong link!

  2. Stacy

    March 30, 2018 at 4:14 pm

    The twins post was so fascinating to scroll through! I dated an identical twin in college, and people were shocked that I can tell him & his brother apart so easily. I thought they looked SO different.

  3. Tracy

    March 31, 2018 at 10:52 am

    I hope #10 is a wrong link!! It takes you to FB (boo!!)

  4. whoorl

    March 31, 2018 at 12:22 pm

    Hey gals! #10 is actually a public album on a Facebook user’s page, but I guess it’s not pulling up properly. Changed it out for a new one.