Odds and Ends


Well, hello there, stranger! I haven’t been in front of the laptop much as of late, because, well, you know, SUMMER. (How’s your summer going?) I’ll be back in the swing at some point, but for now, I give you some odds and ends.

1. Um, Nordstom Anniversary Sale. Starts for the general public on the 17th, but early access for Nordstrom Rewards members is happening right now! Run, don’t walk. (Don’t fret, non-Nordstrom cardholders like yours truly… you can totally check out the sale right now, just no buying until the 17th. I’ve already staked it out, and will post all of my faves on the blog when the general sale starts!)

2. Loved seeing all these rainbow landmarks after the Supreme Court decision.

3. Speaking of, here’s an interesting graphic on the pace of social change in this country.

4. Melting glaciers. Mummified peeps. What is up, Game of Thrones.

5. Come on, you know you say all of this, parents.

6. “Take full, deep breaths. Breathe in strength, breathe out bullshit.” If I ever teach a meditation class, this will be my jam.

7. This is the coolest idea. Like a modern-day Golden Girls. With dudes too.

Happy Friday!

image credit: sally williams

One thought on “Odds and Ends
  1. Frannie

    July 10, 2015 at 11:37 am

    That meditation made me laugh…much needed. Thanks! :D