Pregnancy Has It’s Perks

One of the beautiful things about being 36 weeks pregnant is while your husband slaves away in the nursery, you can sit on your ass and make up new hybrid cartoon characters with the baby’s belongings.

Introducing the spawn of Dumb Donald and Marvin the Martian.



  1. SAJ

    July 8, 2006 at 5:44 pm

    what is that contraption? it looks neato! like baby bug might need one.

  2. Lyndsay

    July 8, 2006 at 7:05 pm

    That’s awesome.

  3. jonniker

    July 8, 2006 at 8:17 pm

    Ha. HA! That’s perfect. I almost want to be pregnant, reading this. Almost.

  4. ms. sizzle

    July 8, 2006 at 10:52 pm

    they should make those in adult sizes. ;)

  5. Jurgen Nation

    July 8, 2006 at 3:53 pm

    AAAHAHA! That could be a great masthead!

  6. whoorl

    July 8, 2006 at 8:36 pm

    It’s a Bilibo! And it’s totally not suitable for children under 2. Eh, who cares…


  7. Sarcomical

    July 9, 2006 at 9:15 am

    aha, i see we’re feeling better, are we?


  8. lin

    July 9, 2006 at 12:49 pm

    We need to get you an advertising gig with Bilibo!

  9. Leah

    July 10, 2006 at 11:09 am


  10. Torrie

    July 10, 2006 at 11:29 am